Hello. Today I write here how I made this pincushion. You don't need special tool for leather, so please try it. Leather makes your items more gorgeous!
For this, I used the leather of 1mm(0.04inches) thick. If it's too thick, it would be more difficult.

At first, make two patterns, one for leather piece and the other for fabric.
The fabric one is easy. Draw a circle of 10cm(4 inches) diameter. It includes the allowances.
!!!!! I'm sorry. My first pattern was wrong of the placement of holes. I corrected the pattern. Thank you very much MartiVG !!!!!

The pattern for leather is this. You'd better to make it with thick paper.
Draw a 6cm(2.5 inches square), and then draw three lines in every 5mm(0.2 inches), from each edge(like the picture).
And make holes at the orange dot points (four points on each corner) with a stiletto or thick needle.
Then, cut leather using the pattern. At first, cut 6cm square. To cut, I used a rotary cutter. You can cut it with cutter knife, or scissors also.

Then, cut the four corners as the pattern with scissors.

Put the pattern on the leather piece, and mark as the points what you made.

Take the leather piece, and hole the marked point with stiletto or thick needle.

Sew the leather. I used Sashiko thread on the needle. The thread should be strong.

Make a knot at the end of the thread, and put the needle from the under side, then, go to the next hole like the picture.

Then, put the needle at the upper hole, and go to like the next hole as the yellow arrow.

And then, go back to the first hole and pull the thread well.

Repeat the same route again, pulling the thread well at each hole.

Sew it three times in total, and make a knot at the end on the wrong side.

Do the same at all four corners. You finished making the bottom!

Then, go to the pincushion. Make 10cm diameter circle with your favorite fabric. It's better to make it with cotton or linen. And sew the edge line roughly with running stitch.

Put stuffing in it and pull the thread. Check if it fits well on the leather bottom, and sew the closure well.

I put a leather piece on the top.

Put glue on the leather bottom to put the pincushion on it. I used the glue for leather craft. But I also tried to use the glue for fabrics and it went well.

Put the pincushion on it and leave for a while. That's all!!!!!

Enjoy making!

Thank you very much for reading(* v *)!!!!