I wanted to write here the way to make Sarubobo plush.
It's easy and simple.
But I found some variations, so I tried some patterns.
The first one is very simple, traditional one. I need only one circle and one rectangle.
With this recipe, you can make this Sarubobo. This is the recipe 1.

If you put the head on the back, you can make this(It's flying!). This is the recipe 2.

And you can put hats on them. This is the recipe 3(The white one).

The last one has different body. I made it with not rectangle, but square pattern. In the traditional recipe, they make the body with square. But it has a big hole in the middle, so they put a cloth to hide it.
So I made a little different pattern to close the hole. This is the recipe 4(The pink one).
The recipe 1
This is the basic recipe. Prepare the pattens of 5 cm diameter circle and 5 x 6 cm rectangle. The circle one is for the head, and the rectangle is for the body. I put 5 mm allowance for each.

At first, make the head. Sew the edge of the circle roughly.

Then, put stuffing and pull the thread. Sew some places and make the ball.

To the next, make the body. Every corners is their hand or leg. And there should be left the space (1 cm) to turn it out.

Take one corner and fold it like the picture and sew from the middle of the shorter side to the end of the corner. I sewed it from some millimeters closer to the corner from the middle to make bigger space.

After you sew the four limbs, it comes like the picture.

Then turn it out from the space of the center.

And put the stuffing little by little from the corner. I put it with my hair pin.

Then close the space.

You made the body and the head.

Then, sew the head on the body. That's all.

I made the clothing for it. I only put the strip on it.

The recipe 2
Make the body and the head like the recipe 1, and put the head on the back of the body.

It's like flying!

The recipe 3
For this and for the recipe 4, I make the pattern little bigger than the recipe 1 and 2. The circle is 6.5 cm diameter, and the rectangle is 6 cm x 7 cm.
At first, make the head like the recipe 1.

Then, make the hat. Prepare the piece of a rectangular triangle of 7.5 cm side.

Then fold each end to meet at the middle of the back. Put the right side inside.

Sew the point.

Then Fold the top to meet to the sewed point and sew the line.

It comes like this.

Then turn it out.

Put the hat on the head folding the edge a little and sew it.

And put the head on the body.
The recipe 4

This has the different pattern of body from others. The pattern is 6 cm square with the 2 cm square on the middle of the top.

Sew each leg like the recipe 1 leaving the 2 cm square.

And then sew the two sides of the 2 cm square to close the space, only one side left.

Turn it out, fill with the stuffing and close the space.

Put the head on the body. You did it!
If you make the body with a square, you leave the space in the center.

In such case, you can make the cloth for it and hide the space. This is the traditional recipe.

I'm sorry to write so long and the explanation is too complicated.
If you have any questions, please leave a comment.
Enjoy Sarubobo!
1 – 200 of 293 Newer› Newest»How cute! Thank you for the great explanation, too! =D
WOW!!! I love it!! thanks for share!!
How adorable!
What exactly are these Sarubobo plushies for? are they just little dolls moms make for their children or are they extra special in some way?
I'm going to make so many of these!
These are so cute! I have made some similar to yours. I learned how from one of Kumiko Sudo's books. I love her work.
Have a Blessed Day,
That is RIDICULOUS cute. I love it! I'll be linking.
These are so darling! Thank you for showing us how to make them!
these are great, thank you for sharing! my japanese aunt-in-law sent me the pattern and instructions to make Japanese owls, I was hoping she would send me these too - now she doesn't need to. I am thinking of cutting some out to sew on the 14 hour plane ride...
Your tutorials are so great! Thanks for doing them !
I think I am in love!! These little guys are so sweet and so TINY!! I can't wait to make some.
I posted a link to your tutorial on Craft Gossip Sewing:
Thank you very much for the comments!
I'm really happy to have post it.
Sarubobo are made by grandmothers for their grandchildren as dolls, and for their daughters as a charm for good marriage, good children and to ensure a well-rounded couple.(From Wikipedia)
And also, sometimes women who wants their babys make them.
I'm in love with these! I think I'll try my hand at making some. Thank you for the tutorial.
Hello Mai,
I loved your blog. It is very interesting and you make so many cute stuff. I see that you love tomatoes. Visit Turkey at the end of summer, and you can eat very beautiful and tasty tomatoes. And very very cheap :)
Love the Sarubobo by the way :)
Love it - on my way to cut squares of cloth and find stuffing!
Ohh mairuru your tutorials are sooo much fun and so easy to follow! Thanks a million for this!!! I am running to get some scraps of cloth to make a friend happy with a sarubobo plush! She'll love it!!!
Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!
What a wonderful tutorial, I am always impressed by your blog!
I agree with Jojoebi above - I will be making these on a plane journey to France next week! My best friend is getting married this year so I will make her lots for health and happiness!
Thank-you for the great "recipe"!
They are so sweet! Thank you for sharing!!! ^^b
Thankyou for sharing! These are such cute little dolls. I look forward to making one soon.
thankyou for sharing these adorable little dolls. After having 4 sons and no daughters l now have a granddaughter and can't wait to make one for her!
These are just to cute and clever!
Thank you for sharing! These are lovely.
Thanks for sharing, they are so cute, I should try to make some
how wonderful! Thanks for the great explanation!
Thank you for sharing. Now I know what to try out next. I definitely want to make a few, or at least try.
I just made one myself! Thanks for the inspiration and instructions!!
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Thanks for such a great tutorial. So detailed as well. I've just added this to my 'to make' list which is getting longer by the day :) Thanks for sharing.
That is so Cute! I just love the things you make. Thank you for sharing them
Dear Mai,
Thanks for sharing your great tutorial for the sarubobo. They are so cute! Please keep the tutorials coming! They are great fun to look at the pictures!
Oh my goodness...
What good karma I have to have found your wonderful blog!
I absolutely adore your creations - they make the world such a happy place =)
And thank you for the inspiring tutorials! We are so lucky to have someone this talented to learn from!
Thank you so much for this excellent tutorial! What sweet little dolls -- they are just lovely! Your generosity is appreciated.
Thank you for such a lovely detailed tutorial, will be making some of these : )
Hi! Thank you so much for this. I do not comment here but I love your fantastic blog, it is so interesting and it is very kind of you to share how you make these items. Wonderful stuff! Thank you!
I just wanted to tell you that I saw this on Oneprettything and it sparked a ton of inspiration for me. I sort of subverted the original design, but I wanted to share that I made several of these cuties and if you'd like to see them they're over on my blog.
I just love your little sarubobos. I have been trying to make a few myself, sometimes my fingers feel too big when I am handsewing the little pieces of fabric together.
I can see where they would be cute attached to a little pouch purse, etc. I want to make some for gifts when I get a little better. Thanks so much.
theswe are just to good to pass up!! Thanks for the fantastic tutorial.I cant wait to try this!!
I loved your explanation!! Thank you!
Thank you very much for reading my explanation!
They are so cute!!!
Thank for share your work and your culture.
This has hot to be the best thing on the internet! Thank you so much. can't wait to try.
I try! Whoooo mini, mini!!!
Look here
What do you think about?
Have a good day
Verdaderamente adorables y muy bien explicados ¡¡Thank you Very much!!!
From Argentina
This is so lovely. Thank you so much. I have followed your tutorial to make one for my daughter.
These are so cute, you are super talented!
You're needlework is so fine and pretty!
And my kids are starting their summerholidays this week, I'll show them your blog and I'm sure they will make their own Sarubobo's.
Thanks for the (NOT complicated, but through and very good) tutorial.
greetings from Finland. I like these little Sarubobo. I think I´ll sew thos for my frined.
These are so cute! Could you please tell us the correct way to pronounce Sarubobo? Thank you so much for the instructions. I'm almost done with my first one.
Thanks. Saw your post on sew mama sew, these are wonderful.
I made these with my 4 year old. She was even able to help with some of the sewing and she was very proud of herself and happy to learn something new from another country. Thanks for sharing your work.
So lovely...
Thanks for for the tutorial.
Mai, I read, and re-read this tutorial. I definitely am going to make a sarubobo plush .... when I find some free time (no bluff ...lol)
I like your simplicity
Mena :)
fantastic thanks for the tutorial
Awesome! I made my first sarubobo looking at this and my daughter loves it! Will send you the pictures too. Thank you So much mairuru!
- DS
I tried :)
What do you think? I hardly do needle work so I think it's not bad haha
Thank you for posting a comment on my blog last time^0^ I finally made a pincushion so I don't need to use sarubobo as one. I've attached sarubobo on the pin cushion as well. I think it looks very good. Thanks for your tutorial:)
Hi friend, good day.
I came to make a visit.
Loved your blog with all these wonderful works.
I found your link in the labors of red.
I'll try to make Sarubobo pluch.Depois I show you.
May your weekend is wonderful.
Thanks for your clear instructions. I just made a sarubobo doll.
Hello friend, good night.
I libdir your doll.
Jpa is posted on my blog.
Thanks for sharing.
Good Sunday to you.
I found your blog about 2 week ago and fall in love with this little sarubobo's ... just had to make one! You can see it here ...
Thank you for sharing this and so many other things!
Your work is wonderfull!!!
Hello, I'm Fah from Thailand. i sew your mascot and could i ask for your advice for my mascot? I would like to make my mascot is "Yellow bean" can you give me some advice how to make it because i have no idea to start. Any advice please feel free to contact me "hulala72@hotmail.com" or hulala72@gmail.com. Thank you very much.
i love what is being done and if you have a spare moment could you mabey email this one to me?? my email is jmvarnes@msn.com i wish to do this for a school project.
thanks kindly.
Hi.. Just saw this post. My uncle & aunt live in Tokyo (We live in Sri Lanka) & he's all taken up with the Japanese culture. I'm sure he'd love this. Going to make them & attach them to other handmade gifts for new year. Thank you. :)
Oi! Amei esse mascotinho!
Bjs e fica com Deus
Hola amiga, hace mucho que no paso por aquà pero querÃa felicitarte por tus trabajos y desearte FELIZ AÑO NUEVO.Besos.
Hermosos. muchas gracias. caeiños Maria Luisa
Thank you very much for the comments!
I'm really happy to have post it.
Sarubobo are made by grandmothers for their grandchildren as dolls.
They are adorable! I saw your sarubobo a long time ago and fell in love... just today a friend showed me her stash of small fabric scraps and so I searched for your tutorial and we started making them this afternoon. Thank you so much!
Hi Mai!
Found your sarubobos via whipup ages ago and remembered them now. They are so tiny and cute! And my daughter has a chinese pin-cushion with dolls like these around it.
Now, at last, I made some myself and posted some fotos and a link to your "recepies" to my facebook page for my friends to see, too: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/profile.php?id=100000787604206&ref=nf
Comments are in finnish language ;D
Thanks for yours explainations !! It's easy and quick to do, I already made two last week-end to offer even I'm not a GrandMa...
Your blog is very lovely...
;-) from Paris
Mariuru, these are such great things you do! U have never seen anything similar to what you do. Hope you are not against if I use your pictures for my research paper. It is about hand- made art and talented performers. Thank you tons.
hermosoooooooo!!!!lovely! sure i will do one for my tomorrow!!me encanto mañana me hago uno
I was in Takayama in 2008 and I bought a Saru bobo and fell in love with it. I followed your instructions and made it a friend.
Recently I made a few of them. You can see 3 of them here:
Thank you for sharing!!
oh! I love your blog! Now I have to try making my own sarubobo, they are so cute.. Thank you!
I've posted your post! (if you don't mind) ...I've made one of this, I found it really nice!! Thank you for the inspiration!!!
Laura from Italy!
I made few of them for friens ; yesterday, they receved them so I showed them on my blog...
Thanks once more for you explainations ;-D
Hi, I come from the blog of Capucine ... Congratulations to the adorable creations, I love!!!
Thanks for the explanation!
thanks for the tutorial..will try it out later..
I have been looking for exactly the same information and your post is really useful for me!
I heartily thank you for sharing this information with all readers, I tell you that I followed all the steps and the result was spectacular, the cartoons gave them to my younger daughter, she liked
very, very sweet...the japanese do have a unique sense of design...i just love it! ...thank you for your generousity in creating this tutorial...i'll print
merci pour votre tuto. Ma fille adore et sa petite copine en a voulu un aussi. J'en ai fait trois oranges cousus sur un ruban avec quelques feuilles pour une chambre de bébé. Je vais en faire d'autres.
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nice post thanks for sharing...
I wanted to write here the way to make Sarubobo plush.
It's easy and simple.
But I found some variations, so I tried some patterns.
The first one is very simple, traditional one. I need only one circle and one rectangle.
With this recipe, you can make this Sarubobo. This is the recipe 1.
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Wow!!! I like it!!!
Hugs Jule
beautiful....dolls or Sarubobo plush, I guess they are a kind of Japanese craft, aren't they? I will try to make them for my children thanks!
Amazing theme with relevant posts.
Great informative post thanks for sharing.....
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ho j'adore !
j'ai déja commencée a en faire un mais je
crois toute la famille va avoir droit au sien !!! hi hi hi hi
Mairuru, thank you for this tutorial. I have made a couple of those and they came out so sweet. Everybody likes them, so cute and simple.
Thank you so much for your tutorial. Just finished making my first one! Worked perfectly and now I have a use for all those fabric scraps I've been holding onto! :)
so, cute...i should try one...:)
so sweet i like this
Hello Mairuru, I'm a brazilian living in the USA for 12 years and during my free time I love to craft. I'm just in love with Sarubobo dolls. I made one for my grandson and he named him Mike. I shared your blog with a friend who lives in Italy and she post your work on her blog...so, you are in Italy, Brazil, USA...Congratulations. Keep the good work.
These kind of post are always inspiring and I prefer to read quality content so I happy to find many good point here in the post, writing is simply great, thank you for the post
Thanks from Spain. I'm going to make a million of this lovely dolls for my daughters. I love all japanese crafts (and food), i'm learning kumihimo too, sorry for my bad english and thank you again.
This is some real nice art. Thank you for sharing it. These little dolls are really beautiful.
I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I think I will leave my first comment. I don’t know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.
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These are so cute! I think I might have to try one!
Thank you for your tutorial and for your lovely blog.
I finally made one and I love him!
Here are some pictures:
I found you from Mary Ann. Cute little dolls! Thanks for sharing.
so cute I love it made it
thank you so much
We are always amazed with the little Sarubobo plush. We will share this with the class.
Nice post, I would like to request you to one more post about that Keep it up
I like this little buddies. I wonder if you could woodoo in them. Nobody would suspect it from this cute things would they. Sorry wicked me.
I would like to say this is an excellent blog that I have ever come across. Very informative.
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So cute, and a nice way for using left over fabric. I think I will try and make one. Thank you for your tutorial.
Great post.. keep it up..
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wohohohoho, thats so cute..i want make them for my baby cousin:) thank youu
Salaam and peace! Just wanted you to see the 2 sarubobo I made. First one, I saw your dimensions 5x6 and thought you meant INCHES. LOL It turned out massive and ugly. lol
I made another one and it's cute and sweet and tiny, just like it's supposed to be. Thanks!!!! If you would like to see, I pasted the page address below. :-)
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