Mar 31, 2010

Fabric shopping at Yuzawaya

Yuzawaya in Yokohama
I went to Yuzawaya yesterday to get new fabrics.
Some fabrics were discounted so I didn't get any ones of normal price (* v *).

Cotton for my Tomato
This one is for my Tomato. It costed only 1/3 of the normal price. It's so cute!

Beautiful fabrics
These fabrics are for me. I liked beautiful flower printed fabrics.

The white rose one is from Kokka. They also have different colors of it and I wanted more... To get it in discounted price, I should get 1 meter or more for each so I could get only one.
About yellow and red fabrics, I had to get two meters to get them in the discounted price. I think I'll make clothes for me and Tomato with them (* v *).

Fabrics for my mother
At last, I found these Hawaiian printed fabrics.
They were from Yuwa and also in half price! My mother dances a hula, so I'll make bags for her (* v *).

I was there for two hours and got more than 10m of fabrics.
I'm so happy with them.
I also got some cotton double gauze and cotton knit to make items for Tomato.
Oh, I wanted to tell you what pattern I used for the shirt for Tomato.
A shirt for my Tomato
I got the pattern from this blog(I'm sorry, it's in Japanese).
The patterns are in two PDF, "hadagi1.pdf" and "hadagi2.pdf".
If you want to use them, print them in 200% of the size.

See you (* v *)!!!!

Mar 29, 2010

Yo-yo Bobo mobile

Cherry blossoms
Hi there! It's too cold here...
In TV, they said it was cold as February. Even if there were beautiful cherry trees, we couldn't enjoy them so much...
But in the weekend we walked a lot seeing them and looking for our new apartment. I felt sorry for my Tomato because we walked too much in cold air, so I took enough rest yesterday.

Yo-yo's and Bobo mobile
These are what I made last week.
I put yo-yo's and a Sarubobo together using a piece of lace.
Yo-yo's and Bobo mobile
It was fun to choose the combination from lots of yo-yo's(I have made 80 yo-yo's).

Yo-yo's and Bobo mobile
I didn't make Sarubobo these days, so I also enjoyed making them. I like this small size.
Yo-yo's and Bobo mobile
I'd like to hang one over my Tomato. So I attached each piece with much care.

I didn't eat sweets these days, but on last Friday Haru came back with them for me (* v *).
Ice creams
I love chocolate too much but didn't eat them these days. Thank you Haru !!!!

See you (* v *).
Yo-yo's and Bobo mobile

Mar 26, 2010

I like cotton double gauze

It's very cold and rainy these days so I stayed at home and made these for my Tomato.
One is this shirt. It closes with tapes and plastic snaps at the legs.
A shirt for my Tomato

I made it with Japanese cotton double gauze and also made these hankies with other gauze fabrics.
Double gauze hankies for my Tomato

I put cotton fabrics on the other side. The one of the blue has Nordic cotton which Ravenhill sent to me (* v *)!!!! I love the fabrics from her too much and can use them only little by little.

I also made some simple hankies for Haru (* v *).

Then, I made these hair clips for little girls. At first I made one for Tomato then I noticed I didn't know whether Tomato is a girl or boy... (But I want to use it in either case.)
Hair clips for little girl

So I made more for my shop. I'm thinking of making sets with small hankies using same fabrics.

Now I'm making some yo-yo while I'm waiting Haru. But I don't know how I use them...

Now I put them in a jar and enjoy seeing them.
Yo-yo in a jar

It's still cold today but I saw some cherry blossoms when I went to a supermarket today. I hope it gets warmer this weekend so we can go to see them.
Cherry tree

Oh, I'd like to tell you I don't put no more weights these days. I eat lots of vegetables, yogurt, fruits and beans and don't eat snacks and sweets. I take lots of rest (* v *)!!!!

Mar 22, 2010

How to make arm covers

Arm covers
I'm still thinking of the name. If the name "arm cover" doesn't sound strange for English speakers, I'll name it "arm cover" like Japanese.
Arm covers

It's easy to make them so please try it!

You need only two pieces of fabrics(for inside and outside) of the size 16 inches x 6.75 inches(40cm x 17cm). The shorter length is the length of the arm cover.
This includes 0.25 inches(5mm) of allowances.
And you'll put two pieces of elastics (7.5 inches, 19cm) at two places. See the picture.
How to make arm covers, 1

I'm sorry I made only the half width pattern. You'll put the elastics at 0.25 inches and 2.5 inches(6.5cm) from the bottom. You sew the four line at the top and bottom of the shaded area.

Then if you want to decorate the fabrics, do it now. I stitched with Sashiko thread at approx. 1 inches from the upper elastic.
How to make arm covers, 2

Then put two pieces of the fabrics facing right sides and sew the side which you put the elastic.
How to make arm covers, 3

Mark the places to put the elastics in, on the inside fabric. The first one is 0.5 inches(1cm), the second is 2.25(6cm) inches, and the last one is 2.75 inches(7cm) from the sewed line. I marked it with yellow pencil at the allowance.
How to make arm covers, 4

Fold it in two and sew shorter sides together, leaving the places to put the elastics(two places !!).
How to make arm covers, 5
How to make arm covers, 6

If you want to add loops to hung it, put a piece of lace or string at the sewed line like the picture.
How to make arm covers, 8

Fold at 0.25 inches (5mm) of the other edges of both fabrics and iron them.
How to make arm covers, 7

Turn it out and put the folded edges together.
How to make arm covers, 9

And sew them together.
How to make arm covers, 10

Then sew the three lines to put the elastics. I'm sorry I didn't take any pictures... In my case, I find the places to put the elastics in, mark the lines with a pen which can be erased afterward and sew them.

At last put the elastics of 7.5 inches or your size from the spaces, sewed each edges well and close the spaces.
How to make arm covers, 11

That's all!!!!
Arm covers

If you find any problems, please leave a comment or write me.

This weekend a new store opened near my apartment. It's a branch of big craft shop "Yuzawaya". I'm really happy to have it near me.

But it was too crowded today so I could get only these fabrics pieces...
Fabrics, Yuzawaya

Maybe in several days I go there again to get more fabrics for my Tomato (* v *)!

We're looking for your new apartment to live with Tomato, but I don't want to move from here... It's too expensive to live in bigger room here but it's too convenient...

This is me at a restaurant seeing the leaflet of Yuzawaya.
But my husband said no to this picture,,, he said to put this picture instead..

This is Ramen what we ate there. Delicious (* v *)!!!!

See you (* v *)!

Mar 16, 2010

!!!! Giveaway winners !!!!

Giveaway drawing
Hi everyone. Last night I wrote down your names (299 names) on a small piece of paper and Haru picked lucky winners.
Giveaway winners

Today I made packages for them all.
I enjoyed choosing one by one reading each comment.
The first prizes include a book, fabric scraps, stamp tags, trims, Sashiko threads and little extra.
The first winner for it is "The Burtons". I put a book of making clothes for kids.
Giveaway, For 1st prizes (1)

The second winner is "Forêt". I put Sashiko threads for her (* v *)!!!!
Giveaway, For 1st prizes (2)

The third winner is "Cathy". I put cute motif book and my favorite cotton linen fabric from SWANY.
Giveaway, For 1st prizes (3)

The forth winner is "Susan". I put a book of beautiful embroidery and a little lemon charm.
Giveaway, For 1st prizes (4)

The fifth winner is "Sheila". I put cute dog plush book and my favorite Lucien fabric.
Giveaway, For 1st prizes (5)

The sixth winner is "Little Treasures". I put cute idea sewing book and my favorite green lace.
Giveaway, For 1st prizes (6)

The last winner for the first prize is "Kristina". I put the book of cute plushes and my favorite flower printed fabrics.
Giveaway, For 1st prizes (7)

Then, here are second prizes. I put Japanese paper items, fabric scraps, a piece of trim and little extra for each.
Giveaway, For second prizes

The seven winners for it are "Salihan", "Joan's Good Life", "trixi", "Erin", "ikaru", "Honeybeehill" and "Ravenhill".
I couldn't believe it when Haru picked the last name (Ravenhill) because I know her already.

I'll contact the winners through their blog or e-mail what I know. But I cannot access Forêt, Cathy and ikaru (I couldn't leave a comment on your blog!!!!).
If you read this, please send me your address to "maimairuru(at)gmail(dot)com".

I'm sorry for others but I enjoyed this giveaway at all. Thank you very much again for your entries.

This is the "arm covers(I'm still thinking of the name...)" with my arm. I forgot to ask Haru to take pictures so I tried them by myself.
Could you see how to use them?
Arm covers
Arm covers

I made this lunch box with my arm covers (* v *).
Lunch box

In next post, I can show you how to make the "arm covers".

Mar 15, 2010

Thank you very much for your entries!!!!

I've just closed it.
I'm really happy to get so much comments (they are too interesting!!) for me.
So when I go out today, I got these to make some extra giveaways.
For extra giveaway
I think of choosing some more winners because seven people seem too few for you all.

Now I'm preparing for the drawing. Please give me some time to tell you who are the winners.
Thank you very much again.

Pink flowers
Today I went for a 3 hours walk with my Tomato (in me).
I enjoyed spring flowers and greeted Bo-chan.

New fabrics
And I found these fabrics in a small craft shop.

New fabrics
These two has similar cute squirrels. The brown one is cotton double gauze, so I'll make clothes for my Tomato with it.

New fabrics
I also got these two. They were in a bargain so I could got each for 4 dollars/yard (* v *)! I really wanted more but they had only several pieces...

Oh, about the Sashiko what I showed in my previous post, I finished them.
Arm cover ???
I put them on the arm when I cook to keep my clothes from getting dirty.
I'm thinking how I call them in English. In Japanese, they are "Arm cover". Do you know them...???