Apr 22, 2009

My short trip for Shizuoka

Last weekend, I and my boyfriend went to the west, to meet my parents.
They live about 600 km far to the west from me, and they came to the east to see us.

We went to a restaurant to eat eel, one of my favorite Japanese food.
They have three types of menu, regular, deluxe and super deluxe.
I and my mother chose the deluxe, and my father and my boyfriend chose the regular dish, like always. (* v *)

After we enjoyed the lunch, we walked around the town.
There were big shrine and in the shrine, lots of flowers were in bloom.

There were also lots of deers. They were taking the sun.

I found lots of dandelions under a big tree.

Then we went to the port. I love the sea.

Also, I could see the Mt. Fuji.

I enjoyed the trip with my family and my boyfriend.


Jacqueline said...

Yummie, Unagi is one of my favorite japanese food too! Those are such beautiful photos! Beautiful place. Thanks for taking us along with you! Have a lovely merry happy day and love to you and yours!

p/s: i love that Smile drawstring bag you made!

まこ said...

Shizuoka is my hometown. To be exact, the city that is well known for eel dish! Thank you for sharing the pictures, now that I am so far away from the water, I miss the lake, the ocean, and walking on the beach.

Anonymous said...

deers! it's not something I can see where I live! in fact I've never seen a deer in my country. I saw one when I went to Holland. I'd like to try that Japanese yummy food you show us :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, such lovely photos! It looks like a wonderful trip!
Happy spring days to you!!
~Emily xxoo

Bird Bath said...

great photos...I especially love the dandelions. What a lovely day you had!

mairuru said...

Thank you very much everyone!
I'm happy to let you see some pictures of Japan. Thank you!

Natasha said...

Gorgeous pics. Are those photos of eel? It looks super yummy!

mairuru said...

Yes, they are eels!