Do you know EC (Elimination Communication)?
I'm trying "omutsu-nashi ikuji" and it's like EC.
I first began it at her first month. At first I let her free from diapers, but not always, only when I could see her. Put cloth diaper under her hip and see how and when(how often) she eliminates.
Then I got a chamber pot and when I notice her sign (move, crying etc...) I put her on it.
From the first time, she could pee. At her second day with the potty, she did a poo three times in it.
Now she uses paper diapers when she goes out and sleeps, cloth diapers at the daytime and the chamber pot 5-7 times a day. Because it's so cold, she doesn't want to sit on it so often these days. But every morning, she does a poo in it soon after she wakes up.
I enjoy it very much. Because of it, I can communicate with her more deeply. I have less diapewrs to wash. Usually I have no diapers with a poo.
Now my mother knits her diaper covers and wool soakers (* v *)!
Today we took a class of baby massage and Yoga. We enjoyed it for two hours and now she sleeps on my lap.
She likes the sea.