The day after I post the previous article, I went to the doctor.
I and the baby are doing well but I'm threatened premature delivery so the doctor told me to stay on the bed all the day...
Then I stay on the bed(actually Japanese futon) almost all the day. My husband cooks or gets food for me(The pictures are what he cooked for me these days).
Yesterday I went to the doctor again and they told me it's OK now. I'm still with Tomato in my belly. Now she gets more than 2500 g and we are at 36th week now.
Because of these days, I could enjoy my time with Tomato every day. I always feel her moving.
I thank my husband very much. Whenever he comes back from his hard work, he says to me "Thank you very much for doing well with Tomato". I'm happier to hear it than what he does for me.
I got many e-mails and comments from you and they cheer me up. I'm sorry for my late reply but I always thank you very much.
I'm sorry if I cannot write for a while after I give birth.
Mai (* v *)!!!!
Oh, Mai...I'm sorry that you've had a scare. It's so lovely that your husband recognizes the gift you're giving him in carrying his child!! My four daughters are the light of my life so I can say with great certainty that you are on the cusp of life's BEST adventure.
Enjoy every moment and I wish you a healthy, and easy childbirth!!!
You (and your husband) are doing such a great job taking care of Tomato already; I'm glad that you are not on bed rest anymore. Please continue to pamper yourselves and do not feel pressure to make a reply to my comment. Best wishes to you all!
I'm glad you don't need bed rest anymore (I had a month of bed rest prior to my little girl's birth and I know it's stressing!) Neverthless you should take it easy! And don't feel pressure to write!!!
Ownnn... so beautiful what you told about you and your husband! There are few husbands like yours in the world!
I always come here to see news about you and Tomato. Time is coming, enjoy every moment. My best wishes!
You have a proper rest now and all will be fine!
Many kind regards from Finland!
A nice a nd moving post from you - my heart just melts at what your husband says to you everyday!
Take it easy the last few days!!
Mai, it's so good to hear from you, I have to admit I've been a little worried that you hadn't written in a few days, but please don't feel that you are obligated to post. You need to rest and get ready for your new arrival!
You have such a lovely husband, what a wonderful man he is and what a wonderful father he will be.
Wonderful news that you and baby are well. Wonderful husband too :)
Do rest well and don't worry
Mena :)
I'm so glad things are okay now. Be sure and stay rested because once the baby comes you won't have much time for sleep. Take care!
I always enjoy your blog. I had my first child in Japan in 1984. I still remember that very confusing but wonderful day. I wish you and your husband all the luck in the world as you begin parenthood. きっとすばらしい旅です。
I'm very glad you and Tomato are okay. Haru is a good husband and will be a good daddy, too.
Even though I am always happy to see new posts from you, like everyone else I don't want you to feel pressured to write. We all know how busy you will be with Tomato once she is born!
We all wish you the best. Enjoy your time, relax, share the time with your beautiful husband and wait for little tomate to come to the world. After the birth don´t feel pressured to write but you could maybe post a picture saying..SHE IS HERE AND FINE!!! We will all be thinking about you.
Kisses from Argentina.
I don't often comment, but check your blog every day. I'm glad to hear you and Tomato are doing well. This is a special time for your little family, so enjoy it! How wonderful that your husband is taking care of you! I look forward to the message that says "She's here!"
What a wonderful family the three of you are already! I'm sending you best wishes for a long and happy life together.
Glad to hear you and Tomato are doing well. What a sweet husband you have and from the pictures, a wonderful cook. Take good care of yourself and Tomato!
Su-sieee! Mac
This and That. Here and There. Now, Sometimes Then.
Dear Mai,
Wishing you a safe and easy delivery with your little tomato.
The pictures of the food make me very hungry, delicious. He is a very good cook :)
Happy weekend from sunny England.
What a relationship you have with your husband! Tomato will be a fortunate baby to have such parents.
That is just about the sweetest thing a man can say to his wife. I'm smiling for you.....
Good luci with the birth Mai. I will miss your comments on your wonderful blog, but I know full well just how busy and tired you will be after the birth. Enjoy every minute! Diana
Take it easy, dear one, and things will be fine.
What yummy and nutritious food your husband brings you! And such sweet words he has for you. You're in good hands, yes?
Dear Mai,
I hope you and tomato are getting the proper bed rest. I can remembered when I had to bed rest too when I had my 2 children. So, hang in there and have a safe delivery!!
Best wishes from Taiwan
hi! i have been reading your blog for a while now. i'm glad to hear that you and your tomato are doing better! it sounds like you have a very sweet husband, too. best wishes for a safe and easy birth!
Best wishes for your and Tomato's health. I hope that the rest of your pregnancy will be easy. Tell Haru he is doing a wonderful job!
I'm happy to hear that you, Tomato and your husband are doing great. Take care!
Mai, thirty years ago I was on bed rest because my baby wanted to be born too early. She was born many days later, and beautiful.
Now she is a grown lady, expecting her first baby in August, same as you.
It makes me happy to read that you and your husband take such good care of your little tomato. She is a lucky baby to have such good parents.
Please rest and don't feel you have to work and write for all of your blog fans.....we will wait ; )
I hope that you and your little Tomato have a good rest while you're waiting for her birth. I know that you will be a wonderful mother because you have lovingly made her so many beautiful things. I'll keep you and your little family in my thoughts during the next weeks.
Mai, I hope you're feeling better and Tomato is growing strong! What your husband said to you melt my heart. What a loving husband you have!
I send you positive thoughts for you and Tomato, who is going to "run a marathon" very soon. Take good care of yourself and sleep while you can (once Tomato is here, you won't get that much sleep).
Hugs from San Antonio, Texas
So glad you and your Tomato are okay now! Best wishes on a safe and happy delivery!
I am happy to hear you and Tomato are now doing fine. Haru is a good husband to you. You must keep him for many years. The world is waiting for the arrival of your little girl. We will all rejoice when she arrives safely in yours and Haru's arms.
Have a good rest, Mai!! It's good for Tomato and for you too!!
Good luck!!!
You and your husband are already wonderful parents, Mai. Thinking of you, all three, sending you good thoughts.
Hi Mai, you are really very kind... your Tomato is very lucky to have you both as parents...
I've had a girl a month ago and I can tell you it's the best gift we can ever get from life... take care of you and your family and I wish you the best for your delivery...
Mai, You are very lucky to have such a sweet and careing husband. I am glad you and Tomato are doing well! My best to all of you.
Dear Mai,
Take a good care of your baby and yourself. Do not worry too much as if your baby is born after 36 weeks, she/he could be fine. Just need extra care on breathing etc (even for full term baby as well).
I gave birth to a premature baby girl 2 years ago & i'm so happy that she's doing well now. She was 26 weeks premature weighing 1.05kg. Just a bit delay on her development and she is a big girl now.
Don't worry too much. I hope both of you are doing fine.
Wish you all the health and the luck in the world. I'm happy that now you are well, be optimist and take good care of yourself and everything is going to be ok. I'm also pregnant, 22 weeks now and I've been watching every story about your pregnancy,till now, I enjoy reading your blog.
Big hugs from Romania :)
PS: the Sarubobos are lovely
Ganbatte! My baby was born at Aiiku Byouin in May, 2005, and it was a wonderful experience! Just keep eating that oishii Japanese food, and rest a lot! It sure helps to have a supportive husband, ne? By the way, we're moving to Tokyo next August and I'd like to meet you in person!
I'm so glad to hear you and Tomato are doing well! Your husband is so sweet, I think you are going to be great parents together. You cross my mind often these days, I think about the upcoming blog absence and how the silence will be a happy message that says you have a family now! :)
Enjoy. All my best wishes to the three of you.
Mai, so nice to hear that you are doing well now. Do take care. Happy sweet aniticipation of Tomato's arrival :)
Warmest wishes!
Well at least your food looks yummy! Hope your all ok now! Daisy Dayz Home
yeah,that is good ideal
Wishing you the best during this time. Best wishes for a speedy and safe delivery xx
we are sending wonderful wishes for you and for your Tomato. Hope all is well and wonderful!
Best wishes to you, your wonderful husband, and Tomato.
Take care and blog when you can.
Enjoy every minute of this great gift.
Thank you for the update. I love hearing about your life and am looking forward to updates about the new baby.
hi Mai,hope you are doing well. You are very lucky to have such lovely meals made for you. All the things you have made for tomato look amazing.
Hi Mai,
I have been enjoying your blogs for quite sometime but just "officially" joined as a follower today. Know that I am thinking of you and praying for healthy delivery. This is a special time for your family.
Hi Mai!
I have missed reading your blog and seeing all your lovely sewing. I am so very happy that you and Tomato are doing well. You really do have a sweet husband.
Take care and best wishes for Tomato's birth! Even if you don't have time for a long post please let us know when your baby arrives!
Dearest Mai, so sorry to hear that you had a scare but i am happy you are well now!! YOur hubby is soo sweet. :) Have a lovely merry happy weekend and love to you!
It's such a wonderful thing seeing yuor husband taking care of you. And such sweet words too!
I always fall in love with those sarubobos you make. Magically adorable! Take care of yourself and you little tomato!
dear Mai,
I was so worried about you
lost blog address
Today I managed to find
and finally I was so happy to hear from you
good luck at birth
with the clerk of the baby you've been waiting for good
Have a healthy day
Hi Mai sorry that I havent been commenting but my computer wouldnt let me load your page I have a notebooknow so I can get to read your blog glad everything is ok its not nice to have problems I had to have bedrest with my first & my second was 8 weeks early shes the one just about to turn 21! cant wait to hear that you are now a mum
Hi! Keep checking in once on a while to see how it's going! Hope you and little Tomato are doing well!
Hello from Surrey, England.
I came across your blog by accident and now I find myself looking everyday for a news update on you and Tomato.
I hope all is well & you are enjoying those precious early days as a family - they go so fast!
Yeah sometimes i can mean somthing to save like this but many times i just dont know... I like the valuable information you provide in your articles. I’ll bookmark your weblog and check again here frequently
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