Sep 15, 2010

Thank you very much for your comments!

My little tomato
I'm very happy with my little Tomato.
She eats very well and is getting bigger every day.

Sarubobo mobile for my little Tomato
This is a mobile what I made for her before her birth.

I also sewed some dresses for her. Next time, I'll show them.

I'm sorry for my short post...
Sarubobo mobile for my little Tomato


Unknown said...

The mobile is so cute! Did you get the pattern online or did you make it?

deros said...

happy life to you and all you family.
Tomato is so nice:)
take care and good luck

MaR said...

Your Tomato is adorable!! love the mobile too :)

Alhana said...

Tomato looks adorable and very healthy. Congratulations!
The mobile is very cute, perfect for her! ^.^

Françoise said...

She's so beautiful!

Anonymous said...

The mobile is darling, I bet Tomato loves it!

You don't need to apologize for the post length. All of the mommies that read understand just how busy you are with a new baby, and I'm sure all of the non-mommies can guess.

I can't wait to see the dresses you made, even though I'm already sure I love them.

Isabel Leyva said...

congrats!!!! she's really beautiful!

Margith said...

Your daugther is adorable :-) and the mobile is cute.

Margith said...

Your daugther is adorable :-) and the mobile is cute.

Broccoli Ginger said...

Congrats! :) Your Tomato is so cute! She is so lucky to have you as mother.

Lavender Playground said...

Tomato is so cute! She looks very contented sleeping there under the mobile.

martine said...

What a beautiful girl. She's adorable.

Karin van D. said...

She looks so, so beautiful. And that mobile is very cute!

Heather Woollove said...

Oh Mai---What a little sweetie!
How lovely...this special time in life...enjoy every moment!!
Have you taken her to meet bo-chan yet? :)

Laia said...

The mobile is very cute and Tomato is precious

helena said...

A wonderful mobile !!!
She is so beautiful!!! Congratulations!!!

Sakunthala said...

Congrats!!! :) Tomato looks so adorable.. :)

Nilgün Komar said...

short article is not important,
is important that you be a good,
tomato, and you'll always be happy,
you get the best of good news already,

CriCri said...

Ohh I'm very happy for you and your Baby.. I follow your sweet photos and history from Italy..

希尔维娅 said...


your baby is so cute... ^^

Diana said...

Welcome to the world, little Tomato!

Anna said...

such a precious tomato!i am sure she will enjoy the mobile

Georgia H. said...

Congratulations. Your Tomato is beautiful. And the mobile is very cute.
Happy life to your family!

Emily said...

Aww! Tomato is so cute! I'm dying to know if that's going to be her real name :D I hope she enjoys all the things you made for her!!

bimbi said...

hello Tomato :)
you are so cute ... and the mobile too ;)

liberal sprinkles said...

oh she's so cute! congratulations and best wishes :)

Alita said...

she is lovely !!.. and the mobile its beutiful.. you made beautiful cute things..

ayu said...

dear mai,tomato is so cute! make me want to cuddle and kiss her :)

the mobile also great!! :) congrats mai. take care.

Isadora said...

She is so sweet!!!!

Isadora said...

She is so sweet!!!!

Katherine said...

love her!

Megan said...

Beautiful! Simply beautiful.

Maya Kuzman said...

Awww so cute!! Love seeing babies in that position with the arms above the head - it means the baby is content, calm, healthy...
Enjoy the time! Very soon (as time flies) she'll be crawling around the place :)

Vicki K. said...

Little Tomato is so adorable - I love it when babies sleep with their arms up like that. It makes me think they feel secure and loved.

Papgena Made It said...

Your tomato is adorable! Enjoy the most, don't apologize for the post lenght, she deserves all the atention! :)
I like the mobile's colors!!

Bean said...

aww, she is so sweet, just like her mama! love the mobile, as I'm sure she does too ;)

mousee23 said...

I am so happy all are well.

CatarinaLoureiro said...

Congratulations for your Tomato!!! She is perfect!!

qltmom9 said...

Oh, my goodness! You certainly DO make the cutest little things.~
SOOO sweet.


Glenys said...

The mobile is so colourful and pretty. Congratulations! May God bless you and your family.

asuhara sue said...

soooo cute: your tomato and the sarubobo mobile! have a sooooo good day!

Raquel from J.C. said...

Don't apologize...Now you have Tomato!!!
Congrats, sweet baby and sweet mom

Raquel from J.C. said...

Don't apologize...Now you have Tomato!!!
Congrats, sweet baby and sweet mom

Victoria said...

Que bonita¡¡ You have a beautiful daugther :D¡¡

Lisa said...

Everything you sew is lovely - and little Tomato is more lovely! God bless.

Rachel said...

She is adorable!!! congrats :)

Unknown said...

ı love the mobile bur especially your tomato so much!

Daniela Mayumi Kodaira said...

she's really so cute! That's your very best project! Congratulations!

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Tomato is so beautiful.
Can't wait to see the things you made for her. The mobile is enchanting.
And glad you can cuddle beside her on the futon.

Slow-Eva said...

Congratulation! It's truely a miracle and she is beautiful:)
The mobile is so cute!

Barbara said...

Too cute - Baby and mobile. Bx

Carol & Eddy said...

YOur baby's so beautiful - I can tell you feel very proud of her :-)

Ar@ Benavides said...

Dios te bendiga a ti y a tu Bebe....


Red Pepper Quilts - Rita Hodge said...

Congratulations - she is beautiful.

Enjoy every moment.


Codruta said...

Congratulations Mai! I am very happy for you, your little tomato is gorgeous. Two more months and I'll meet my little girl, can't wait.

The mobile is too cute. Wish you all the health and the luck in the world! Hugs said...

I have just found your blog, tomato is so perfect and she looks really lovely.
It is a lovely time for you and your family, enjoy every second of this happiness. I am a big fan of hand sewing, your blog is so informative and represents japanese crafts beautifully. take care of yourself, your husband and baby tomato.

Amy said...

How sweet! She is so beautiful. I'm glad all is well. Love the mobil.

Runa said...

Congratulations Mairuru...we miss your tutes and the lovely stuff u made, but your "Tomato" is adorable. You'd been preparing stuff for her much before she was born I'm sure you're having a great time with her.Take good care of yourselves and can't wait to see the dresses.

Unknown said...

I was picking little cherry tomatoes in my garden, here in Wisconsin, and it made me think of your Tomato ^-^. Congratulations! You are going to be a wonderful mom!

WesternWilson said...

Your baby is so beautiful! (like all the lovely things you have made!)

I have been moved by your gentle and reverential approach to life and loving.

minda said...

Aw, tomato is so adorable and precious and the mobile is so cute.Tomato will enjoy it or a long time....:)

julie said...

Tomato is so precious! She is so healthy looking. Her sarubobo mobile is really cute.

ozgul said...

congratulatıons.....she is so sweet..

TAHbKA said...

She is beautiful! Congratulations :)
And that mobile is so cute. Thank you for posting.

Anonymous said...

You can be lucky to have such a sweet little girl - what´s her name ?...I even don´t think it`s "tomato" ;-))
good luck, marion

Anonymous said...

Hi Mai,

What a beautiful girl she is! And she's got a lot of hair too!
Are you still eating a lot of tomatos?
What's her name? I'm sure it sounds beautiful!

Best wishes.<3

Leina'ala Kaina said...

What a beautiful and precious tomato. Your most perfect creation. Congrats.

Ravenhill said...

She looks so little and sweet! I am sure you are having a most lovely time together! The mobile is delightful!
emily xo

Artsy Life by Tracey Brooks said...

Beautiful Tomato.
and cute mobile, I am working on one for my baby "Z," she'll be 3 months next week.

Anonymous said...

Hello Mai, baby is beautiful and she's going to be spoilt rotten with mum's lovely gifts.
Enjoy her .... in no time you and hubby will be running with her .. lol
your friend from Malaysia
Mena (*v*)

Lucy said...

Tomato is very kawai.

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