We take baby massage lesson once a month and I massage her every day.
She likes it very much. When I massage her on her sole, she relaxes and smiles a lot.
I began Yoga with the same teacher of the baby massage. During my lesson, Miyu lies by me and watches me. When she cries, I should carry her. So I cannot do all of the poses... But because of thelessons, now I could lose weight (* v *)!!!!
These are the dolls for girl's festival, at the 3rd March. My parents got them for Miyu.
In Japan most of girls have one set at her first year. We display it for about one month till the day.
Now I'm thinking of sewing her a new diaper cover.
Last week, we met some mothers who use cloth diapers and are trying EC. They have cute handmade covers and they stir me up.
I couldn't take any pictures at that time but I'll post about them after our second meeting.
See you!!!!!
Your baby is so adorable! And good for you that you could take yoga lessons, that's really the best when you want to get in shape quickly :)
What a beautiful baby!
Enjoy yoga. It's so fun!
waa! is she the cutest with the fuzzy hair in the 1st pic? *-*
I like your dolls for Hina-Matsuri. They are pretty.
Do you have the complete set or only O-Dairi-sama and O-Hina-sama?
rubi ^__^
Glad that you're back. Your baby is so cute and I enjoy seeing pictures of her. I know you are so proud!
Baby rolls! ^__^ Love those little folds! She is adorable.
Oh man, Miyu is SO CUTE! I just love her little dandelion-do. Glad you're all well and happy.
So lovely to hear again from you and from Miyu. I am sure you are sewing up something beautiful and comfy for her! I look forward to seeing what you make.
へぇ、かわい過ぎ!Thank you for posting! I bet you're really busy these days :)
Your baby is so sweet! The dolls for Hina-Matsuri are beautiful! Enjoy your Yoga lessons :)
The baby look like a doll¡¡¡ So cute :D
It´s yoga really that good ?
Mai, you're doing very well for 1st time mum. Miyu is well taken care of .. hmmm.. massage is good for her
Yoga is a life style also. Miu is wonderful! Helga e Magali
Hi Mai, wow Miyu is so adorable! You're a great mom. I hope to see more photos of Miyu.
she is so cute..When my daughter see your baby she said she really looks like tomato she is so cute..:))
http://mycreationsandinpirations.blogspot.com/ this is my blog i am sharing my creatives..
She is lovely!!! You must be a very proud mum!
Dearest sweet mai, she is growing up so beautifully! I adore her so much! :) Have a lovely merry happy week and love to yoU!
Your baby is really wonderful!!
She's a lucky girl, having a such creative and caring mum like you!!!
Enjoy your baby!
Greetings from Italy!!
Miyu gets cuter and cuter each time you post a picture of her. She is absolutely adorable.
She is adorable!!!
I am watching the tsunami on TV. I hope you and your family are OK!!!!!
Worried about you. Pray you and your loved ones are all safe.
I'm in shock with the pictures of the tsunami... Hoping you're safe.
We are OK! Thank you very much.
It's so terrible but Miyu is sleeping by me...
Hello, Mairuru!
Today was the earthquake - I hope you and Miyu and your family is ok!
We think of you and wish you the best!
Hi Mairuru!
I've heard about the earthquake.
I suddenly thought about you and your family.
I'm glad to hear that you're ok.
Hope all your family and friends are fine, too.
A big hug.
I'm very happy you and your family are safe and well. My prayers are for the people of Japan. Piera
I'm very happy to heard that you and your family are all safe.
I am so grateful to hear that you are safe. Please let us know if anything is needed.
Hola Mairuru!!!!!
Espero que estén muy bien después de este terrible terremoto. Estermo en contacto.
Un abrazo muy fuerte a la distancia.
OMG!! I just saw about de earthquake over there, and now feel calm that you and your family are OK, if you need something, even I'm in another part of the world, please let me know...
My Blessings for you, your family and all the people in Japan.
I am so glad you and your family are safe! x Take care x
The first thing I thought when I saw the earthquake and the tsunami was , Mai !! I have been reading your blog every since I found your tutorial about the little monkey baby. I came to say I am so glad you are safe and that I am praying for you and your family and all of Japan. Stay safe.
We're so happy to hear that you & yours are safe at home, Mai. We've held you in our thoughts since hearing the news last night <3
happy to hear you and your family are safe,i feel so sad about this hearth quake.Take care .Y.S
Just saw the news ad like many others I thoughtof yound your family. I'm glad you are well and will be praying for our people.
that should have been ayour not our my keyboard isbad.
I'm glad that you and your family are safe and OK
I'm so happy that you and your family are ok. I was immediately thinking of you when I heard about the earthquake.
keep safe.
Oh, Mai, I just saw the news about the quakes. As soon as I saw the headlines I was so worried for you and Haru and little Miyu. I'm so glad you're all safe!
What a relief! I was so worried about you, your husband and sweet Miyu! All of our thoughts are with you and all Japanese families. I'd never commented before- but I'm so glad you're ok.
Hugsd from Argentina
our thoughts and prayers are with all of you there.
I thank God that you are your family are safe. I immediately thought of you when I heard the terrible news. I have never writtent to you before, but I love your blog and your beautiful baby girl.
you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers !!
Hi Mairuru!!!
I'm praying for your country!
Fortunaly you are safe!
Lots of kisses from my family and I directly from Portugal!
so glad to see you are okay. it's amazing how we come to care for people we have never even met, but feel like we know :)
praying for you and your sweet family.
I'm so glad you and your family are safe. You remain in my thoughts, take care!
Hi Mai, so glad you and your family are okay. My heart goes out to Japan and the other countries suffering from this terrible disaster.
We're praying for you, your family and for your country. I'm so glad you and your family are ok! Thank the Lord.
Wendy from New Mexico
Sending you a big hug from Spain, glad to read you and yours are safe. Pls stay that way.
Goodmorning...We are sorry for earthquake in your country..I hope you are all well and japan will recover soon.greetings from Turkey.
How are you? I hope we are well for earthquake. I'm thinking for you from Italy Helga e Magali
Hello Mai,
I hope that the power plants will be under control as quickly as possible. I am glad to hear you and yours are fine.
The whole situation has made me rethink my position towards atomic energy. I didn't know power plants needed cooling even after being "switched off". Hope that Japan will recover quickly from this catastrophe.
Thank you very much again.
My family is OK. Miyu and Haru are sleeping by me.
There are lots of aftershocks. I'm worrying about the disaster area.
Thank you very much again. I'm happy with your comments and e-mails.
Mai, I am praising God to hear that you are okay. Blessings on you
Greetings from Russia, Mai!
I looked one of these days your Internet a site and I very much like your hand-made articles and a photo. As to me it was terrible for your country and for you! Thank God, at you all is good! I wish Japan to return more likely to former life! I pray for you! Lika
Hola espero que tanto tu como tu familia estéis bien, te envío muchos ánimos, besos. Laura (Barcelona-Spain)
Me alegro que ustedes estén bien. Mis oraciones son para todo el pueblo de Japon.
Un abrazo muy fuerte desde Costa Rica.
I hope that your family and You are all right, I wich you a lot of courage and energy - yours sincerely
So happy to hear you and your family are all right. It's such a disaster. Greetings from Belgium.
Dearest Mai, I hope that you and all of your loved ones are safe. I think and pray for all of you. Love from Corrie (from Holland, the Netherlands)
I used infant massage on both of my babies, they are now 13 & 10. I used almond oil for the massages. I took classes at our local hospital. After the massages each night I would swaddle them in a receiving blanket and they would drift off to sleep. Both my girls starting sleeping through the night at an early age and I attribute this to the massages.
Your little girl is absolutely adorable.She is really really beautiful.I have never sent you messages before .I follow your blog occasionally but after the tsunami and earthquakes, I really started thinking of you. I leave in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Here, we have the biggest number of Japaneses outside Japan. There have bee a lot of prayers for Japan from us.I wish you and your family stay in good health forever. All the best for you. Monica
Miyu is so beautiful! I hope you and your family are still doing well. We watch the news here and are so worried for the people of Japan.
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