Jul 15, 2009

My first Giveaway!!!!

!!!!!! Thank you everyone !!!!!!
!!!!!! I close the comment !!!!!!

I'm always happy with your comments, so I decided to do a giveaway here.
It's the first time for me.

In Japan, some people do this as "Kawa-pre". "Kawa" is from kawaii, means cute, and "Pre" is from present.

Giveaway 1
I got a Japanese craft book of Sashiko stitching. I also made an item from the book (* v *).

Giveaway 2
I also got a Japanese craft book of Felt mascot. I also made an item form the book, but with not felt... I don't have any felt fabrics. (* v *)!!!

Giveaway 3
I make a pack of some of my favorite Japanese cotton fabrics. They are from the pictures(I'm sorry, not them all, in smaller pieces) and others from my stocks.
I also put something additional on them. I make three of this fabric bundle.
New fabrics, flower print
My new fabrics

So I can send five items for five persons.
To enter this giveaway, please leave a comment here, till 6 am of 22th July(EST). Please write which one you want.
**** Please choose which one you want! ****
**** If you don't pick one up, I'll put your name on the least popular one. ****

If I cannot contact you, I'll pick other person again.

Thank you very much for cheering me up always!

!!!!!! Thank you everyone !!!!!!
!!!!!! I close the comment !!!!!!


Mrs.Hopper said...

So great to be the first one! ^^
I really love your blog and thants a great chance to said it :)

Mrs.Hopper said...

ouch I forget ask what is the giveaway that I like and that's because I really like all of them! But the japanese craft books are hard to find here so I pick the giveaway 1
Thanks again

Nina said...

This is a very generous idea! :) I don't often comment, but I adore your blog. Your work has inspired me to try new styles of sewing, and I am having a lot of fun experimenting. A fabric bundle would be perfect for these projects! ^^

Thank you!


M* (Melanie) said...

This is a such a generous giveaway! I'll love all the beautiful things you make Mai. I hope I win so I can make beautiful things like you too!!

Bird Bath said...

I enjoy to read about your crafting and life in Japan. Seeing your creations cheers me up too. thanks.
I would love to win giveaway 1 as I have been interested in sashiko a bit lately and tried a few basic projects.

Unknown said...

so cute giveaway!! i love your blog so much, especially your sarubobo!!!so, from Italy, i say you "ciao" ^_^

Terri said...

I really hope your giveaway goes well! I would love to be the happy new owner of your felt pets book. Thank you and happy blogging!

karin said...

What a great giveaway. All of the items you give away are wonderful, how could anyone ever choose? ;-)

Miss Searles said...

I love seeing all the things you have created and have read all thru the archives of your blog :-)
So great that your doing a giveaway because i've been trying to get hold of some fabric that you use for ages!! I'd pick give away 3 :-)
Miss Searles

Anonymous said...

how kind & generous, I would love to enter but not before saying I love your dear handiwork & I am always inspired by the delightful things you create. Mairuru is a joy to visit :)
If I must choose the fabric would be fab!

nadine said...

Hi Mai!

I would love to have that Sashiko book in my hand either! I already have a German one but it´s so small...I would love to get more inspiration!

Keep up the good work!


Anonymous said...

hay mai!
thank you for shering. i dont comment usually but read your blog from day 1. i would love to win the fabrics.
thank you

katie said...

oh you sweet hand stitching giveaway girl!
I love all of your lovely gifts and I think if I had to choose the book and pack one would inspire me to try your lovely hand stitching - i have had a go - and enjoyed the little bit I have done, but I'm not sure I have your patience - but thank you for your blog - it makes me smile!

Neko said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Neko said...

Hey Mai! What an exciting update, you're so sweet and generous. I LOVE your blog and would be super-tickled-happy to receive a little package from my favourite Japanese blogger (you!) with a book about Sashiko - they're hard to find where I live in melbourne! So giveaway 1 for me! To get in touch, please email georgiad@vic.chariot.net.au
Love Neko xoxo

Kate said...

Sugoi! Thank you for such a generous giveaway! I love the felt animals book - it would be a pleasure to win it!
I love your blog - your sewing is amazing.

Kii o tsukette ne!

Kate x

Anonymous said...

Hi I have been reading your blog regularly since I stumbled across it this year. I am amazed at how you sew everything by hand. Please put me in the draw for the Sashiko stitching book. Thanks!
Ann (oceanian@lycos.com)

Syazwi Aljabri said...

I really love all your handmade items mostly the sarubobo. They are so cute! I also love to read about your life in Japan.So I choose the giveaway number 2.Thank you so much!


jojoebi-designs said...

What a fab giveaway
count me in please!
I'd love the felt book since I just ordered a whole load of felt from another Etsy seller.

montessori.swapshop {at} gmail {dot} com

W said...

You have a lovely blog and the way you write is what do you say..."Kawai" ;-)..and an absolutely delicious giveaway...I choose giveaway one. :-)


Tatkis said...

Hello! My name is Tatyana, I'm from Russia. I'd like to enter your giveaway (number 3, wonderful fabrics)
Thanks a lot!

Anonymous said...

I love all the cute things you make. I wish that you had a sarubo in your giveaway because that is what I really want! But if not that, then I'd love to get some fabric and try to make them myself. Thank you.

sara.aoyama at comcast.net

Anonymous said...

I love your style & talent. I check your shop everyday. Please put me in the draw for any of your great giveaways

Fariini said...

Such a lovely idea! I recently found your blog and I absolutely adore your work - especially the sarubobos have inspired me! I'd like to learn to do sashiko embroidery so I'd like to join the draw for giveaway 1, please. Lovely summer for you!

Julie said...

What a nice thing to do! The fabric is my favorite, it's gorgeous! Sorry I've never commented before, but your blog is a huge inspiration to me - I have to be away from my sewing machine right now, and I'm always amazed by what you do with hand-sewing alone. Thank you for this chance and for writing your blog in the first place!!

Eva said...

Dear Mai,

thanks for this lovely idea. I follow you blog since the day I found it an I love it very much, especially your way of eyplaining things. I would love to receive a giveaway - either one as they are all very nice. So I will make a try.

Thanks for sharing your experience with all of us

AnaMaria said...

I just love reading your blog. Your work is amazing!! I pick giveaway 1.
Thank you

Meagan said...

What a generous giveaway :)

The Japanese craft books are certainly rare here in Canada so if I would win I would pick one of them!

Klara said...

Mai you are so very generous, i have been lurking on this blog almost daily since i stumbled on it and it is bad that it takes a giveaway to make me comment! i love your work and have made a button pouch and sarubobo galore, like you i hand sew everything as i don't have a sewing machine, finding your blog has been a real inspiration. i equally love all the posts about japanese food which is a real favourite in our house. i would love any of your givaways but maybe the sashiko the most.

Unknown said...

That is a lovely thing for you to do!

It's so difficult to choose, but I pick the fabric bundles, because the fabrics (and also what you do with them!)are so beautiful. Thank you!!

julie said...

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to be part of your generous giveaway.
I think you are the most cleverest girl. Your Blog is a delight and pleasure to read. I just love those little sarubobos that you make. Thank you for all the little tutes you give along the way.
Prize choice.....Fabric pack 2

Umatji said...

Oh - what a star you are! Kawaii always brings back such good memories as when we travelled in Japan my boy was always described that way! I love either 2 or 3 - too hard to choose! You deserve all the glorious comments!

Georgie said...

You make such adorable items ^^ it would be nice to learn the stitching in the first book. Send my love to Bo-Chan!

M said...

Thank you Mai for being so generous! I love your blog and you really gave me a new love for hand sewing. I have started to do it again as well.
I can hardly choose between your wonderful gifts, but I would love gift 1 or a fabric bundle the most!
love from the Netherlands, Muriël

Michele said...

Your blog is adorable. I'd love the fabrics!

Donna said...

Oh, a giveaway from Mai, how wonderful! I hope to win one of the fabric bundles

Santhy T. said...

Thanks for organising this giveaway! I love your blog & I would love to enter for the giveaway no.2. I can't resist cute felt plushies! It's a tough decision as I love the floral fabrics as well!

Louise said...

What a generous giveaway! I really love your blog, and your projects are so beautiful and inspiring :) I think that I like giveaway 1 the best, I love sashiko stitching.

Valentina said...

Ciao Mairuru,
I always read your blog and follow your tutorials. I'm from Italy and it's nice to see pictures of your life in Japan.

I'd like to participate for the fabric: here in Italy I can't find it and I love it so much! I could use it for my projects :)

My name is Valentina and my email is valentina.rachiele@gmail.com

Nikki said...

Thank you for having a giveaway... lucky us! You share your beautiful creations and then you give beautiful things away. I would love to add some of your favorite Japanese fabrics to my stash....

Elaine said...

Thank you for such a generous giveaway. I have been reading your blog for a month or so now, after being introduced to your blog from another crafty blog. They talked about your wonderful hand stitching.

My choice would be the fabrics.

I love your sarubobo, and I love that you make everything by hand.

Potiron said...

Hi!!! I'd love to enter your giveaway!!! I'd love #1, it's the one I like the best!!!

thank you for your generosity!!!

I love your site!!!

Love from France!!!

Rane said...

I love it all to be honest!
But I guess I would choose the fabric. I love small flower prints. Thank you for such a fun
give away! Sugoi tanoshi! Arigato!

Vivian said...

I'm just learning about sashiko and trying out some designs from library books – would love to have a book of my own. You've given me inspiration for some projects.

Arathi Prakash said...

I am regular reader of your blog and in fact, I have a link to your blog from mine!

I love all your creative works. You are simply superb!

I know you will not believe this... But this morning, I was thinking that there are so many other craft related blogs which have giveaways and I was wondering if you had any such ideas! And lo! Now I open your blog and see that you indeed have planned for a giveaway... :)

I would love to learn Japanese embroidery and giveaway-1 will suit me the best! :)

Thanks a lot... And I wish I were the chosen one! :)

le monde de zuza said...

hi mairuru, i like very much what you does ... simplicity, beauty, and i learn more about japenese culture reading your blog. thanks.
if i win i prefer japenese cotton fabrics

june at noon said...

Oh, wow, such a great giveaway. You're very generous, and you've chosen wonderful things, as always. I like Giveaway 1 the most, am very interested in the stitching. I think my second choice would be some of the beautiful fabrics. Thanks for always being so inspiring!

hana.k said...

I would prefer giveaway 3 because I definitely need some new fabric and Japanese fabric is the best!

June said...

I'd love to enter! (Fabric giveaway)

The sarubobo that you make are so darling. I look forward to seeing more.

Ellen said...

What a lovely giveaway. I've really been enjoying reading your blog.
I'd love to win the fabric. :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, so many comments! I would love to see more examples of the quilting technique, I'm sure I'm too late to receive one of your generous gifts. Your blog has inspired me to make small gifts for my granddaughters, I'm making some Sarubobo items for them, and little purses. I love seeing your handmade art, most people prefer the speed of machines and not the gentle art of hand sewing. Namaste

Diana said...

I love seeing the things you make. Thank you for hosting such a generous giveaway. I would love to win the fabric.

Sarah said...

I love that you sew everything by hand. You are very inspiring to me. I pick the fabrics as I am a sewer also. I would use the fabric to make a present for a good friend.

Unknown said...

I love your creations! I would love any of the bundles - lovely things!!!

Karen Lewis Textiles said...

What a fabulous giveaway! I absolutely love Shashiko stitching so Giveaway 1 is definitely my choice!

Amy said...

All of these options are really lovely, so just put me down for whatever is least popular (that way I'll have better odds!). Thanks for being so generous!

mairuru said...

Thank you very much for all your comments! I'm happy so many people coming here.

I want to know who left the comment of Annonymous, the last line, "Namaste".
I'll put the name as "Namaste", but if you read this comment, please write me your name and e-mail, to maimairuru(at)gmail(dot)com.
Thank you!!!!!

Hello Sandwich said...

Hello! wow how exciting!
You are so super sweet to have a giveaway! I love all of your prizes but especially number 1!
Love Love
Hello Sandwich (エボニー)

the nest said...

what a nice offer! if i win, i would like a fabric sample please.

i like reading about Japan in your blog, and really like the sweet items you handstitch for your shop. so fine!

my parents are Japanese, but raised us kids in the US. i am attracted to Japanese-style handmade, and love to knit, crochet + sew myself. nice to meet you!

- annri

ps - the code for leaving a comment is "creade" almost "create" - isn't that a nice coincidence?

Anonymous said...

Ooh fab give away! i struggle to choose which i like best between 1 and 2, but think I like 1 best because I've not seen anything like it before.

x hel x


WoollyGrumper said...

I stumbled across your blog a few days ago and have got hooked on it, I've been reading it at work among my piles of paper-work. It is an oasis of beauty and calm in my work day. I adore your hand crafts and you have inspired me to try hand stitching for myself. I would feel lucky to receive any of your givaways, you are so generous!

Kelvin Yamaguti said...

Hi Mairuru!
This is fantastic!
Here, in Brazil, many people makes a giveaway on the blog's anniversary!
It's a great idea!
I would love to win giveaway 3!!!
Thanks for the opportunity and good luck to all!

Lane said...

ooooh i'm loving the felt mascots! perfect gifts for my niece and nephew :)

Wood Violet said...

Wonderful giveaway! I've really been enjoying your blog, especially the dozens of variety of sarubobo. Please count me in for either of the books. [I have more than enough fabric :) ]

Laura Laurent said...

Hello Mai! I would absolutely love to have the Japanese fabrics! I live in the U.S. and it's hard for me to find those fabrics, but I want them very much because I make stuffed animals and other crafts. My grandmother is from Japan and I would love to make something for her with those fabrics :) You are so nice and kind!

seams worth it said...

Great giveaway! I would be thrilled just to win, so I will leave it up to you to pick. Love all the choices! Thanks

rona said...

Hello Mai,

I love seeing all the things you make especially because you stitch by hand. That is how I like to sew things too! Your giveaway is very generous. All the prizes are so nice, but I always wanted to try sashiko.

I also love to hear all about bo-chan. What a sweet dog. He makes me smile. :)

Katie (Japan Crafts) said...

Hello Mai!

I've only just found your blog but it looks lovely and I'm going to read more of it.

I teach Japanese crafts in the UK so it is great to hear about people like you! I also like to teach my daughter because she is starting to sew and make things now. We use old kimono fabrics to make things.

I can't choose which item I'd like to win because they are all gorgeous, so if I am lucky enough to win I would be happy with any of them!

Katie xxx

Jean said...

Hello! I just found your blog about a week ago and am so taken with your beautiful work! It is truly an inspiration! I suppose I will sign on for the fabric as I love the tiny prints and never seem to be able to choose them myself!
Thank you for including me :)

Unknown said...

Thank you for always posting great articles on your beautiful projects! You inspire me and I am a huge fan!

Please pick me for giveaway #1-sashiko book :-)

Anonymous said...

I just stumbled upon your first giveaway. Good for you
I love your work and hope to win something - anything. If not this time, it's ok. I leave it to you.

the mighty guin said...

I love all the items but I have had the hardest time finding sashiko information, so please put me down for giveaway 1. This is really three giveaways - very generous! Thank you! I found your blog when you posted your patchwork pouch tutorial - I haven't made it yet but it's lovely.

ana lilia said...

i love your style and the tutorials you've given! thank you! i would really like to win giveaway 1 because i like embroidery and i've been wanting to try out sashiko on my projects.

Maevy said...

What a lovely giveaway, thank you so much for your generosity! I would love to participate in giveaway 2, I like to make felt softies and the book looks great.

Isadora said...

Hi, Mai! It's very kind of you to have this giveaway! I would love to get some pretty fabrics to make more sarubobos and purses!
Dora from Brazil

MamaKnits2Much said...

What a generous giveaway. I really love all three prize packs so you can enter me in the least popular, if there is one! LOL

Rachelle @ Aud and Crafts said...

This is a wonderful giveaway, all of them are great! The felt mascot book is my favorite. Here's hoping!

Anonymous said...

Just popped in your blog for the first time and saw this incredible giveaway!!! We do not have such lovely books here in Italy... T-T
I love those little sarubobo and your work, you're so creative. I started making things handmade after having seen a the cover of a japanese book on craft, so for now it is only amigurumis but... who knows? I would like so much to win the book on felt mascots! Thanks!!! ^^

Kyoko said...


sfer said...

Thanks for a great giveaway!! I think I'll sign in for one of the fabric bundles. Always yearning for fabric!!!

I hope you keep on with your blog for a long long time. We blog readers are always so selfish!! I enjoy your work and your tutorials are awesome, so I hope you're not thinking about retiring anytime soon!

Thanks for a chance to win!


Anonymous said...

Hi. I'm Carmen from Canada. I absolutely love your blog - it is so sweet and inspiring. I would love to win the fabric bundle I think, but anything would be great. I love the beautiful things that you make too - they never fail to make me smile!


Carol said...

Japanese craft book of Sashiko stitching is my pick. I just love to read your blog. You are so creative!

malinda said...

Excellent! thank you for having a give away! I hope you are successful!

I would love the sashiko book!

Anonymous said...

What lovely giveaways! I adore reading your blog, you inspire me always with what you create. I'd dearly love to have either of the fabric bundles if I should win. :)

Ali said...

This is very exciting - you are talented AND generous! What a beautiful giveaway! I would pick giveaway 2! Thank you Mai!
Ali x

debbie said...

I would choose the sweet fabric first but all the prizes are lovely.

I have a question too. When you used cotton instead of the felt, did you simply turn under the cut edge of the fabric and then topstitch the two pieces together? Did you use an embroidery stitch alone or did you do a running stitch first and then disguise it? Hard for me to tell from the picture. I don't like to work with felt and (duh!) never thought to substitute with cotton.

So thanks for the inspiration, too!

Windylou said...

You give me such wonderful ideas, thanks for the give away. I love the sashiko craft book.

Jesselyn said...

I love you blog so much and am excited for this giveaway! I think my favorite is item 1

Sew Diva Diane said...

This is a wonderful give away! I would like to win a fabric bundle or the sashiko book.

Alexandra said...

I thove them all so much, but the first one is my favorite. Thank you!

Larissa Holland said...

hello, I'd love to have the 1) zakka book or the 2) felt mascots or the 3) any of the fabric! Love it all.

Chris Davis said...

You make such cute things! All of the items are so cute. I wish I could win Bo-chan ;-) but I do like the fabrics. Thanks so much.

zime said...

WOW Mairuru!!! you're so generous!!!
I love all the stuff you giveaway!!! but I think I'll be in love with some of your fabric. My choice is 3!
Thank you!!!

Rachel said...

How great! I would LOVE a fabric bundle!

janelle.B Australia said...

i love your work. I made a sarubobo from your pattern but made a boo boo! I used too open weave fabric and they did not look as good as yours but will try again. I would like the sasiko book or material in your generous give away. thankyou. Janelle B

Nova said...

I'd like to enter #3, please!

Chase said...

Thank you for sharing your fabrics and books. It's so great! I do lots hand embroidery. I love to win the first give away.. cross fingers..

kookietookie said...

Hi! Your blog is really fun to read. :) I think it's very inspiring that you even hand-sew your own clothes!

I am planning on using your zippered pouch tutorial for a gift for a friend soon.

I'd love to enter the giveaway for one fabric bundle.

Thanks so much for all your lovely blog posts.

Wynn Tan said...

i would love to have the sashiko book!^_^ i have not tried sashiko stitching before since it's difficult to get sashiko thread here in Singapore. But I will try to buy the thread as soon as I win the book! =D

Mel Makes Pretty said...

Mai, how wonderful and generous is your giveaway. I was so excited when I clicked on your page today. My daughter and I love making animals with felt so the felt mascot book (giveaway2)is my pick.
Thank you so much!. Mel.

Jessica McLeod said...

I would love to get #1, it would be great to learn some new stitches!

Delphine said...

I read you with great pleasure for a few weeks, and felt too shy to comment yet.

I can't imagine one of your wapre items to be less popular, you choose so many cute things!

Your blog has inspired me to take some sewing lessons, thank you! -(_ _)-

Crypt Stitch said...

Oo,Oo (raises hand) Pick me! Pick me! I love your blog, and get my Japanese inspired craft fix from you daily! I would LOVE number 1 please - I think Sachiko stiching is to die for!

Aelyn said...

I really love your blog, it's been a really great source of inspiration for me. I love looking at your stuffs.

It would be nice to win those lovely things. If I do, I would like #1 or the last fabric group that I think are so beautiful. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to win.

Ching Wu said...

I love your work and your work. I an hoping that you are able to visit LA someday that i will be able to show you around.
The you for doing the give away. Please count me in for # 3. Thank you.


n o o k said...

ooooh, such a wonderful giveaway!
I love them all so much. If I had to pick I'd go with- giveaway 1.

I really adore your blog. Such beautiful and thoughtful posts.

-Michelle. x

Ps. I have really enjoyed reading about your neighborhood dog & cat
friends :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your generous giveaway, i really like your blog, and i would be delighted to be one of the winners. I don't have a blog, so this is my email: maiteluque@hotmail.com
Thanks again,

antmee@hotmail.com said...

I love your blog. I even read your posts not just drool over the pictures because they are so happy. I would love to get any one of your giveaways but I love felt mascots the best.

quiet days said...

What a lovely giveaway. I would choose number 3 because I am always after similar fabrics that you use in your crafts :)

pina said...

I have been following your blog for a while now and am amazed at how you make everything by hand, you need to be congratulated on your work, If I was to win, I think I would like one of the fabric packs. I would use it for my 2" hexagon quilts.

liz said...

i just found your blog & i'm so glad i did!
i'll throw my name in the hat for the sashiko book (if you can ship to US).
okay now, off to scroll through some older posts :)

Bohemian girl said...

Dear Mairuru, the things that you make are very beautiful and they are great inspiration for what I do. I think I actualy owe you. I should send you something in return.

Veronica said...

This is such a lovely idea. I really love the look of the sashiko embroidery book, so I think that would be my choice. I would have a hard time choosing between that and the fabrics =) You have a beautiful site, and have been a big inspiration to me.

Bohemian girl said...

Ouch, I forgot to say that I would like the sashiko book the most.

Anonymous said...

The bundle of japanese fabric please!
we are in gloom because there is some bombs in our country today, one of them is so near to our house too
It will cheer us up

Chia, tjong13@yahoo.com

milleyinabox said...

Oooh! All the choices are so good! I think Giveaway #1 is my favourite though. I love to sew, and the projects you do are totally cute. Having a Japanese craft book would be wonderful!
Thanks for all your wonderful blogging and tutorials. ^.^

Kathy Marsh said...

I love your blog and the idea of "Cute presents" The sashiko book would be great to have. I just love those Japanese craft books.

Kay said...

Hi! I do love your blog. Your work always inspires me to try new things. We don't have much sewing related blogs in Taiwan. So I feel so lucky to explore your bolg and enjoy your work via internet. Am not sure whether we can join this interesting program abord. Would still hope to have this chance to win the giveaway. I love the giveaway1. Thanks u so much ^^

Corrieneeltje said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Corrieneeltje said...

It is so fun to give something to your readers, so both the giver and receivers are happy.
I love your blog and sended the link to my daughter-in-law too and she loves it too.
Wish you much fun with the comments and I would love to win the Sashiko book.
Thanks for the fun.
My e-mailadress is:

Fatticus Finch said...

You are so precious! I love your blog and reading about all of your crafts and friends you meet. You're too cute. Giveaway 2 is so adorable! I hope one day we can hang out and sew together. (you'll have to be really patient with me because I am terribly slow at sewing by hand)

Thank you for this chance to win super kawaii crafts!

gerfiles said...

Hey, you got a lot of comments... So, one more: I enjoy your blog, a while ago I made a small cloth following your very pleasant tutorial - please count me in for your give-away, I´d like one of the fabric bundles... cheers

Anonymous said...

This is such a sweet idea. I look forward to your blog every day and would love to be picked for a fabric bundle. Thank you and best wishes!

HandmadeByMalle said...

you make so beautiful things with your tiny hand stitch....it really amazes me what you do without any sewing machine. keep it up.
you are a true inspiration.
if i win .....just pick any of your five wonderful prizes.
thank you,

Anonymous said...

Hello Mai! Thank you so much for this wonderful giveaway - you're so very generous. I love your posts and find them to be so inspiring.
I honestly don't know what to pick because I think they are all so wonderful - I like the books, but can't chose between them.

Ani Castillo said...

weee!! this is a great way to find out who loves your blog and never leave comments hahaha!

I would like to go for the #3! :D

(and if nobody wants it, the animals too hahahaha, just in case!)


golonghorns said...

Wow Mai you have alot of people responding. I rrally like the first one but would be thrilled if I got anything at all. Count me in!

Lori Kay said...

i enjoy visiting your blog. The little dolls are adorable. If I win, I would choose giveaway #5- the group of pastel fabrics. Thanks so much!

cquebedeaux said...

Hi! I have been following your blog for just a few short months. I wish I would have found it sooner! I really enjoy your posts & your handmade treasures. They are a great inspiration to me. I am from the United States, Louisiana to be exact, so I love to see your food and other Japanese things. I am a great fan of sushi, but I am sure that the U.S. sushi does not come close to what you can get. Please put me in for the Sashiko stitching book.
Many thanks & take care!

Anonymous said...

oh, what a wonderful giveaway!
thanks for sharing - you're not just super crafty, you're generous too!
i'll pick giveaway 3 please :)

mbrochmann said...

ooh, a chance to win some of your wonderful fabrics! i would love choice #3 if i am lucky enough to be selected. thanks for the contest and your lovely blog.

superstitches said...

I enjoy your blog very much. The pictures of the projects are very inspiring. As far as the giveaway please sign me up for one of the fabric packs. I have both of the books and love them. Thanks

Loralynn said...

I love your blog! I have made your sarubobo and it turned out so cute! What a wonderfu giveaway you are having! I love the little felt mascots book! You're fabric is lovely too! I would have to pick the book though!

Alcy's Hobby Room said...

I love your blog & have been admiring it from afar. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway & your generosity. I'd like to pick giveaway #3 please. Thank you!

Christy クリスティ said...

hola mairuru! I'm a fan of your handstitching! your crafts are really cute and your blog is super informative too. I woul love to win the fekt mascot book.

thank you for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mai! I really love your taste in fabric! You always pick the cutest! So I'm in for any bundle of fabric!

Annette said...

This is such a nice idea! I love reading your blog, it is always so inspiring. As I am preparing for my last exams, I am very busy and cannot be creative on my own. So I love clearing my mind with reading your blog. I would be so glad if I could get the craft book of Sashiko stitching! In the case of winning, please contact me here: annette.jansen@hotmail.de

Anonymous said...

Love your blog. I check it every day for undates. Everything you make is divine and very inspirational. If I win, I would love giveaway 1.
Diana from Australia.

Isa said...

I've been reading your blog for a while now. I like the beautiful pictures, stories and tutorials that you share with your readers :) I would like to take part in the giveaway and if I was lucky enough to win, I would be very happy with giveaway 1 :)

Sue Cahill said...

I would pick giveaway number 3 but they are all wonderful and would be happy with any of them

Thanks for your generosity and for sharing so much with us.

Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

Linda said...

I love to read your blog ! I like the fabrics. I have the Sashiko book and love it.

mairuru said...

Hello Debbie,
For your question, I'll answer later.
Because I don't want to show you the details of giveaway, so I cannot explain now.
When I finish sending giveaway items, I'll post here more details of them.
Thank you very much for your question.


Migla said...

Hi Mai,
I love your blog, your wonderful crafts :) You make such a beautiful and sweet sewings :) I love your tutorials, my favourites are about sarubobo plush, furoshiki and pen case. :)
Your idea about a giveaway is very very generous. All gifts are very nice :) I would like number 3.

Migle, (Lithuania)
migle.migla @ gmail.com

Giedrė Povilionienė said...

I really love your blog . And I choose the giveaway number 3.Thank you so much!

jill said...

hello mai,
i often read your blog and your outcome inspires me very much (i even linked you on my blog). i tried some basic sashiko stitching myself, so i'm in for giveaway 1. thank you for sharing with us.

sb said...

You do such lovely work. I appreciate your generosity with your tutorials and now with such a great giveaway! I'd love to win the fabric, or the fabulous book in giveaway 1.

carly k said...

Oh I love that fabric!!! So many darling things I could create with it!!

sandyandcosmo said...

Hi Mai! I discovered your blog a few weeks ago and your work is so inspiring that I've started hand sewing again. Thank you for sharing with us. If I were lucky enough to win your giveaway, I would choose the Sashiko book. Thanks for a chance to win!


Jan Allsopp said...

Hi Mairuru, I love your blog and have become addicted to making the little patchworked pouches from your tutorial. I'd love to win Giveaway 1 because I'd love to try the techniques on my little pouches.

Jolly Caravan said...

Can I please enter giveaway 3. I adore that black fabric and have just the project for it. I'm thinking that fabric chosen by you must surely inspire greatness! Victoria

The Jensens said...

I LOVE the Japanese fabrics. They remind me of when I lived there!

I love your website and all your creative ideas :-)

Here's my email address just in case clicking on my name doesn't work.


Codruta said...

you are an inspiration and you make such lovely things. i learned how to do sarubobo dolls and i love them.
hope i will be one the lucky ones, my favorite is the book for felt mascots.
thanks for the giveaway, now you can see you have a lot of admirers

Digital Misfit said...

Lovely blog!
I would be thrilled to win any of the prizes, but the felt mascot book is my favorite!


Veitch said...

I would love to win the sashiko book. I enjoy reading your blog and tutorials. You are very talented and generous. Please keep up with the inspirational craft posts.

Kunang-kunang said...

What a useful tutorial (covered hair clip) ! I just gave birth to baby girl, so I have been looking around to find a project that I could make for my daughter.
Thanks for the giveaway too !
Would love to have any of the giveaway :)

Annabel said...

Hi!, I've following your blog since a while, but i'd never write.. sorry I'm bad writing in english because i'm from mexico, but i just love all your work, you inspire me, the giveaway 2 is lovely, it will be fantastic to win, but no matter that your blog is my favourite over all, well from now i'll start writing you more commments, oh and thanks for all that amazing tutorials!!

Annabel said...

oh I forgot... to contact me, no matter if I win or not, it will be nice to have contact with you and share...annabel_keating@hotmail.com

Emily said...

ちょうかわいい〜!They're all really cute, I wouldn't be able to decide....But it would be either of the craft books, they both look awesome.

cheri said...

I LOVE your blog! And it is one I check everyday. Thank you for your sweet offer of a give away. While all items are very generous, number one would be my favorite. Thank you for inspiring me and so many others with your lovely work.

cheri said...

oops, you can contact me at cherid120@cs.com
Thank you.

Merruli said...

You are very generous aswell in sharing your ideas as in arranging this give-away.
Your blog is always a good place for inspiration!

Sarah Vanderburgh said...

I love your sarubobos! You are very creative - and very generous with your giveaways! Number 3 for me, please:)

Amy said...

What a great giveaway from such a wonderful artist. I love your work.
I'd love to work with some of that fabric, it's truly lovely.

Somer said...

Wow. You are great. I would love any of the things you are giving away.

knitterwifemom said...

I just found your blog and I love it! I would love to be entered to win giveaway #2, please! I also love the fabric bundles, too.

I can't wait to see what else you will craft!

Projects By Jane said...

I was looking at the adorable stuff you made at Siesta and couldn't believe I've never come across your blog before. I'm from Singapore and we have our little Japan here too. I make bags and buy Japanese print whenever I can get any. I love Japanese small craft and spend many hours squatting at Kinokuniya bookstore just browsing the book covers even though I don't know any Japanese.
Would LOVE the fabric!

Brigitte said...

I just found your blog and I LOVE it! I'll enter for whatever is the least popular. I love them all! Thanks!!

Rachael said...

Great giveaway!
Been dreaming of japanese craft book and this is indeed a fab chance :) Would like to win the felt book!

Grace said...

Hello Mai,
Last week I came across your blog when I googled for "How to make a Sarubobo", and I've been coming back to read your posts since. Great inspiration to me!

I'd like to enrol myself in this giveaway. I would like giveaway #1.

My blog: http://graceelaine.com
My email: ellysn[at]gmail[dot]com

Nice meeting you!


machen und tun said...

what a great giveaway, thanks!! i simply love the fabric and therefor would pick it :-)

Cuddlet said...

Great blog and great giveaway! It is difficult to choose which # I want (they all are super cool!), so I'll let you decide! :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much for the opportunity! Your blog is wonderfull... I would love to win the fabric
Ciao from Italy
Barbara (bozen2002@libero.it)

Antonia S-H said...

I love your blog and have made a sarubobo pincushion like the one you made. Sadly, my daughters said it looked like a snail! I'd love to have another go, so a fabric bundle would be perfect.

candice said...

Hi there! I really like your Giveaway number 2, I just love Japanese Craft books!!! Thank you for such a generous giveaway :)

Anonymous said...

Hello! What a wonderful blog you have! I would be delighted to win the fabric.

shelly c said...

These are such great giveaways! The little prints of the fabric looks so pretty, so I'd love to take a chance at the fabric bundle! Thank you (^o^)/

Katherine said...

What a generous person you are! This is my very first day visiting your site, and I'm in love with it! I linked from your fabric hair clip tutorial. I love the japanese stitching book. I might have to do some online searching if I don't win the giveaway!

babyEE said...

I love the fabric. You can never have enough. The tutorial on the fabric covered hair clips got my attention, great idea!!!!

suee said...

These are lovely!! I hope to win giveaway 1!!

MJHill said...

Hello! I would love to be entered in the drawing for the embroidery book. Thank you for the fun give-away!! xo


I would love a fabric bundle!

KandinskyDog said...

How lovely to find you even without the generous offer of a bundle. Whether I win or I don't win, I can tell you about felting. There is needle felting and the easier cloth felting. Yes, it is easier than you think! It is also fun. First, go find a sheep...LOL.
Good luck to us all.

KL said...

So sweet!
I would like the Japanese fabrics!

J. Christina Huh said...

The fabric! I love Japanese fabrics.

Helen said...

Wow, I have only just found your blog, i love all your work and it shows how much you love doing it! You have inspired me to hand stitch on the things i make, thankyou! I would like giveaway 3 if i win as i love the fabrics. thanks again for the inspiration!

~ Kim ~ said...

You are so talented. I have only just found your blog. Please count me in on the fabric giveaway. Thankyou for being generous!

ehandmadediary said...

been frequent reader since saw the making of sarubobo. It's lovely. would like to have the book to be part of my library.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I have just found your blog two days ago, your work is really inspiring! The japanese fabric is my pick, because I asked japanese fabrics to my coming birthday.
Thank you!

Lavinia said...

Hi Mairuru, I just discover your blog via twitter, what an amazing giveaway!!! I´d love to join for the #3 (fabric bundle). Thank you, you´re amazing! I´ll keep coming here ^_^

Connie said...

Oh you're so lovely to offer a giveaway. I would love to win #2 Felt Mascots, so I can make lots for my little son to play with. That book looks so cute!! crossing my fingers :)

Kwan Style said...

Oh I love all 3, and I love your work!! So hard to choose, ok 1st giveaway please, I've always wanted to do proper sashiko. Thank you.
If I win, u can write to me here:

Jared said...

I would love to win the Giveaway #1, sashiko book.

Thank you so much for coming up with this fun idea!

Kitty Baby Love said...

I love giveaway 1. What a successful giveaway so far- lots of people!

Sara kittybblove[a]gmail.com

Katie Davis said...

What a generous giveaway! I would love either of the sewing books.

I enjoy reading your blog, thanks!

→lisa said...

How awesome! I love your blog and your creations!

*If* I am chosen, you can contact me through my blog :)

sherri s. said...

Oh, you are so sweet, and your blog is so kawaii!!!! I really do love it. I would love any of the prizes, but maybe the fabric is best! Domo arigato!

Ethan said...

My mummy would love that felt animals (number 2 giveway) book! :)

mairuru said...

Thank you everyone! I close it now!!!!!

sbobet said...


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