It was sunny day today so Bo-chan was staying at the porch.
(When it's cold, he is staying in the room and they close the door)
He seemed a little cold. I talked with him for a while.
In the river, there were some Ducks. I love seeing them because they are so-- cute.
They were near Bo-chan but he cannot see them. I'd like to take him to see in the river someday.
But he can see some beautiful flowers around him.
Now they have only partially blossomed, but when it gets warmer, there will be beautiful cherry blossoms too.
By the way, thank you very much for your all beautiful comments on my giveaway post. It's too fun to read (* v *)!!!! Every day, I check new comments and talk with Haru about them. I wanted to know about you all, thank you very much.
I cannot see how Tomato is doing now... But I always talk to Tomato, sometimes I sing my favorite songs(* v *).
This is pot holders what I made for my Italian mama, who cared me while I was in Salerno, Italy. I wrote her about my pregnancy and marriage and put them in the package.
Before I send them, I checked google map to see her house. Thanks to the street view, I could see where I stayed more than three months. I could see also the pay phone from which I used to call Haru in Japan (* v *).
For the pot holder, I arranged a little from this tutorial.
If you can read Japanese(I know it's difficult...), you can see more tutorials here.
See you!!!!!
Though I've never thought I would needed pot holder - after I burned my fingerpoints several times within 3 days - those will be made any day now!
Hi Mai! I always read your blog, I love your work and tutorials are always great. Thank you!
Cute potholders, Mai, I bet she will love them very much!
Bo-chan is just absolutely adorable! As for the pot holders, they look so lovely. Thanks for the tutorial! <3
Hi Mai, I love your delicate crafts and your blog. I visited Japan many times and your photos and stories make me miss it very much! Good luck with Tomato :-)
Good to see Bo-Chan. Wish I could give him a pat. Maybe next time you see him say hello from South Australia for me!
Great idea for pot holders. :3 I'll try to make one for my mother. ^^ By the way Mai, I made a Sarubobo plushie based on your pattern. I wrote a blog about it. You may view it here - Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge and talent with us. ^^
I love your work, it´s amazing !!!
Those pot holders are so cute! :)
ohh... Bo chan seems a little bored. I want to hug him ^^
I love your potholders. Everything you make is so pretty and charming. :) Also, I saw the fun stamps you mentioned in your giveaway post and I like them a lot. I was actually just telling my husband last night that I want to try carving some stamps. Could you tell us a little bit about what you used to make them and how you did it? I want mine to be cute like yours. :) Oh, and I just wanted to tell you--thank you so much for posting the instructions to those slippers! I made some for myself (I just kind of made up a pattern and then used your instructions) and I love them! Although I should have followed the other girl's pattern a little more closely because mine turned out a little funny. Haha. Oh well. I wear them anyway! :)
Bo-chan is so cute! I love the potholder you made. Hope you are having a very nice day. :)
What a wonderfull thought you made for your italian mum. She will love it. They allways love home stuff. I know it because i lived a lot in italia and my husband is italian. ALL THE BEST FOR YOU, YOUR HUSBAND AND SPECCIALLY FOR LITTLE tOMATO!!!
love your version of this. thanks for the tutorial link. everything you make is so beautiful!
Your blog is really very well, there are lots of ideas and of beautiful photos. I am French and I can follow the instructions with the images.
Thank you
Your blog is really very well, there are lots of ideas and of beautiful photos. I am French and I can follow the instructions with the images.
Thank you
Cute potholders.
Thank you for listing out the tutorial links. I have a great time time browsing thru the projects. I don't read Japanese but I enjoy the tutorial and pdf files just as much. It makes happy me just think of the possibilities I could do with my stash.
Dear Mai, You have a very beautiful blog which I enjoy reading very much. I am really looking forward to making some of the things you have described. Cheers from Australia!
Glad to see Bo-chan and the ducks.
The pot holders are lovely. Your Italian mama will love them. She will be so happy for you about your marriage and pregnancy. Tomato will be growing just like he is supposed to be. keep talking and singing to him, he will be so happy and contented.
Hello Mai! I am wanting to make this potholder and cannot read the Japanese so I wanted to know if there is some sort of material inside the potholder to keep you from getting an extra layer. I am new to sewing and am lovinng your blog. So many beautiful things to make. I am also thinking that as my daughter grows she can start learning to hand sew such things as you have on your blog. I am just now teaching my two oldest to hand sew with sewing cards while trying to teach myself sewing with the machine and hand sewing. I put an extra layer of fabric inside the potholder, such as flannel, or some sort of batting...cotton batting? as with quilting? Thanks for your help! I am catching up with all of your old posts and finding so many things I want to make now. The flying monkeys are so sweet. I wish I had more time to sew! Kristie(
Yokohama looks like a very nice place to live!
When I went to Japan last year I went to Yokohama, too, but only for a short time and only at the port. This summer I'm going to go to Japan again and I'd love to see more of Yokohama.
It's so great what you make!!
How do you manage to keep up your time and make such wonderful creations?
Hi Mai,
I have always love how you pick and match your fabrics. The colours of the fabrics you chose, to make the potholder, look so good together! :)
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