Apr 22, 2008

I hand stitch about 400 yards a month.

I mainly use Dual Duty 250 yards thread.
I began to use a thread on April 1st and finished it on April 20th.

It seems very long, but I sew for 5-6 hours a day, only.
And at the weekend, I sew little.

These days, I'm sewing more than before I opend a shop on ETSY.
I'm really happy to sell my items on the shop because I can meet a lot of people through it.

So even if my fingers have many small holes ( by the needle), I continue to enjoy sewing!
I'm really happy now!


cutfingerproductions said...

Mai you are so talented! I love the bright colors in this furoshiki.
I love to read your blog and will miss it when you are traveling!!:(
It is interesting to know how much you sew a day!

mairuru said...

I think it is difficult to sew during my travel, but I continue to write this blog!
Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I am enchanted by your beautiful stitches and delightful blog! I love these furoskiki's you make. It is so clever to quilt with all the french seams!

I will be back again to see more of the lovely things you make!

Anonymous said...

yeah, thanks to ravenhill i found your blog and today I learned from you how to do a french seam.

i have a question for you... dual duty makes a "hand quilting" thread and also an "all purpose" thread... do you use the hand quilting thread for both patchwork and quilting???

I really like your furoshiki. I will try some for myself with french seams!!!

please come and check out my blog.


jan, in nagasaki.

mairuru said...

Hello Jan,
Yes, I use it for almost all purpose, because I like it. I tried to use some other japanese threads, but some are easy to get tangled up, and some are expensive to use a lot.

I read some posts of your blog. I want to dive into the mud!!!!

My father is from nagasaki, Goto Islands!

Anonymous said...

hey, mai.

thanks for teaching me how to do a french seam!!!

before I married my husband he was living in Fukue (GOTO) for two years, teaching....I used to ride the ferry on weekends to visit him.

it's really beautiful there.

I am looking forward to future posts on your blog. May I add you to my blogroll????

Anonymous said...

I too had little holes in my fingers with sewing.
But it's ok because we love our products
Very nice Furoshiki

Anonymous said...

You are so creative and talented.I wanted to try the origami,but I need to buy some paper before I try it so I can tell the difference with the 2 different colored sides so it will be easier for me. I'm so glad I found your blog. I'd love to go visit,but I'm stuck in the U.S. Keep sharing your ideas with us
Thank you