Jun 17, 2008

Fabrics of BRITEX

Finally, I bought some fabrics in BRITEX, near Union Square.
And I made my stole and small shoulder bag with them.

In BRITEX, a sales person helped me to choose fabrics. She suggested me some combinations of fabrics, and I could choose 4 fabrics. I like this shop very well because in Japan, we cannot ask generally. They don't speak to us, and we don't ask suggestions so much. Sometimes Japanese way is confortable because we can choose in plenty of time by ourselves. But I like to talk with people, so I prefer American way.

These days, the school was too busy and I couldn't write this blog. But today is the last day of my school, and we are going to travel n California, with my boyfriend's father. So I'm sorry if I can't write continually...


cutfingerproductions said...

Hello Mai and Haru!! So good class is almost done!
Great you found fabric here finally:) I am so glad the sales people were helpful...your work is beautiful as usual! Those fabrics look like your style!
Have a fun time in California...we are thinking about you there and glad to know you are well! Keep safe!
your friends laura and jon

Anonymous said...

missing you and your blog very much. Hope you have lots of good experiences in California!

Anonymous said...

I was getting worried about you! I am glad you are well and thrilled to see you stitching again! Your stole and bag are so pretty! I adore the fabrics. How nice that you are enjoying the friendliness of Americans! Have a wonderful trip!

Anonymous said...

Can't say how much I love the fabrics.
Good you enjoy American way of life