I made three book covers today.
I used my favorite cotton linen and cotton fabrics.
The one side already has a pocket, and the other side is resizable with a cotton tape.
I also put a string as a book mark (* v *).
It's easy to make this type of book covers. I'll try to write here after.
I patchworked my favorite fabrics and hand embroidered with Sashiko cotton thread.
I love reading books in English and in Italian, so I have some paperbacks what I got in Italy or in the U.S.
To read them, I need much more time than reading Japanese books, but I'd like to know other culture through other language. So sometimes I read the same book( of Haruki Murakami) in Japanese, Italian and English. The main character has different color a little. So I can enjoy the differences.
The day after tomorrow, I go to my parents house and during my way to their house I have much time for reading. I'm happy to have my pleasant time, so I made these book covers. I want to express my joy.
Adorable! I wanna make one too! ^__^
These are lovely!
Yes! I love them.
Have fun reading and enjoying. With such lovely covers, reading must be even more fun than usual.
you are amazing! the way you put little bits of fabric together is so inspired and inspiring. i can't wait for you to show us how to do it. ;)
These book covers are gorgeous, your choices of fabrics and your embroidery simply make me drool!
Those are beautiful Mai! You are a very talented woman.
Enjoy your stay with your parents. :)
Hello Mairuru,
Greetings from London. I do enjoy your blog so much. You make me homesick for your wonderful country. I was lucky enough to have lived in Yokohama for three years and really miss it when I see the photographs on your blog! I also love the beautiful craft items you make. Thankyou for showing us. Oh how I miss Yuzawaya in Kamata!!
The bookcovers are beautiful.
Ho letto che leggi libri in italiano... posso scriverti dunque nella mia lingua? Complimenti per il tuo sito e per le tue creazioni: con la mia bimba di 6 anni abbiamo preparato tanti sarubobo e realizzato una mollettina per i capelli. Sai dove posso trovare in Italia delle belle stoffe? Dimmi se posso esserti utile con i libri in italiano (io sto leggendo Norwegian Wood!!!). Ciao Barbara (bozen2002libero.it)
Mai, I love the fabrics you used for these book covers. They are just lovely. I also that you read the same book in three different languages. That is great.
Just a question what is the difference between sashiko cotton thread and normal embroidery thread?
Have a great trip up to your parents. :) Mel.
wonderful book covers! and how amazing you can read in three different languages! i wish I could too! :)
These are absolutely gorgeous and I love how they are adjustable to fit any sized paper back...very clever.
they are gorgeous Mai and so are you :)
What a beautiful idea, they are gorgeous.
These are gorgeous. I'm constantly impressed by your creativity! The items you make are so beautiful.
I've been meaning to comment here for a long time, to say, generally, thank you for posting all your tutorials - they are fantastic and it's really good of you to do that. Much appreciated!
These are beautiful book covers - very elegant looking. I like the idea of adjustable bookcovers - that is a wonderful thought - I have books of so many different lengths, and an adjustable book cover would be perfect! I have always liked linen, and you use it so well here!
I am pleased to have found your site, and will definitely keep coming back to see what you're going to do next!
Very nice idea!
I read you know italian, so...ti faccio i complimenti per il tuo blog, e per le tue belle e originali creazioni!
Cristina (from Trieste, Italia)
Why didn't I think of this before. I must try one. Must ...hehe
They are lovely and thanks for sharing method of making them
Awesome! I always wanted to make book covers after buying some cute ones in Japan. I haven't really seen many here, maybe because our books are all different sizes? I don't know if that makes sense. Anyways, I would look forward to a tutorial!!
Hello from France
I just discover your blog,
you are doing so many beautiful things
I would love to make one bookcover like yours
so I am waiting for the instructions
Have a nice day
These are beautiful. I am inspired. You make gorgeous things you are very talented!
Those are beautiful! I often think it would be nice to speak various languages, but without practice I forget what I've learned. I'd never thought to read books!
oh, they are lovely! I look forward to the tutorial!
I love that embroidered details.
hi please make the tutorial how to make that one :D ...
Excellent article above. May be you need more time to share all the knowledge that you have.
So, thanks for share this information with us, I always come across this amazing post.
Certainly a fantastic piece of work ... It has relevant information. Thanks for posting this. Your blog is so interesting and very informative
Mai, this covers are so lovely and easy to make.
Thank you for sharing your magic with us.
Greetings from Chile.
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